Insulation work

The most frequently used insulating job is insulation of houses, using insulating materials. Insulation work shall include the insulation of flat roofs, garden ponds, balconies, terraces and reservoirs. Less typical insulation are insulation against pressure water or against radon.

Roman Divacký

Complete service in the field of construction and related services. Construction services: - construction work - turnkey constructions - interlocking paving - construction of family houses - facade insulation - fences - facade coatings - reconstruction of interiors of family houses - masonry work.

Roman Čekal

Návrhy a realizace - interiéryobnova - interiéry Návrhy a realizace - fasády Restaurátorské práceobnova - historických fasád Umělecké štukatérské práceosazení a výroba - štukatérské sádrové profilynávrhy a realizace - fasády

Jan Bigas

We are a construction company dealing with: - construction of family houses (for foam, glue and mortar) - reconstruction of buildings (chemical grouting, floor ventilation) - reconstruction of flats and apartment cores - thermal insulation of building facades. - earthworks - construction of sidewalks, fences, paving and tiling.

Robert Patti

Izolace - vlhké zdivo Montáž - sádrokarton - základové desky Montáž - základové desky Montáž - obklady - dlažby Rodinné domy na klíč Zednické práce