Heating work

Among the most commonly used heating activities include the installation and repair of heating systems and heaters, installation of heat distribution throughout the house or across the firm fitting the underfloor heating and installation of boilers, as gas, as well as those operating on solid fuel.

Europe Easy Technology s.r.o.

The main mission of Europe Easy Technology is to help customers with technologies to save their energy costs. EET representatives will advise you on modern and trendy solutions for heating, air conditioning and lighting with a guarantee of permanent savings in operating costs, with a systematic solution to problems in the area of optimizing the investment and operation of heating and air…

solar plus 2012 s.r.o.

Dodávka, prodej: - solární kolektory NOTH - tepelná čerpadla ALPHATEC - podlahové topení ROTH, UNOPOR -zastoupení pro EKOCIS -domovní čističky odpadních vod -přečerpávácí -žumpy, septiky -vodoměrné šachty -nádrže na zachycování dešťových vod Servis na solární systém značek TISUN, BAXI, REHAU, REGULUS, REFLEX, atd… Vodo-topenářské práce, servis, opravy, revize, regulace,…

František Ručný

Reconstruction and realization of apartment cores and bathrooms, complete distribution of water, sewerage, heating and gas. Furthermore, replacement and installation of boilers, heating elements, gas appliances. Boiler rooms over 50KW, gas inspection, solar systems and heat pumps. New mechanical waste cleaning and sewage monitoring.

Karel Rosek

Installation of gas boilers Protherm, Ariston, JUNKERS, Dakon, Baxi. Sales, installation of gas burners, heaters, heat pumps, DHW tanks, regulation, heating distribution, underfloor heating. Installation of water distribution, waste, sewage. We also offer the sale and installation of radiators and convectors. Gas installation.

Ing. Tomáš Urbášek

Návrh topení, poradenství, projekt, dodávka a montáž elektrického podlahového vytápění. Dodáváme topné kabely, inteligentní topné kabely, rohože, fólie, panely, konvektory, termostaty a regulace. Nabízíme též ohřev TUV tepelným čerpadlem, nebo bojlerem. Dodavatelé – Fenix, Devi, Raychem, BMR, Watts, Eberle.

SAUFERT s.r.o.

We are specialists in the field of modern plumbing and heating, we are fans of renewable energy sources and new technologies. We will advise you which solution is most suitable for you based on your needs and financial possibilities. We are a well-coordinated team of experts who always defends the interests of the customer. We approach each case independently and completely individually. Based on…

Stanislav Svatek s.r.o.

Installation of water, heating, gas and steam. Mixing colors while waiting. Production of keys. Tailor-made division of metallurgical material. NTL and STL gas distributions Construction: -boiler plants up to 3.5MW -central heating, water distribution, waste distribution - exchange stations - heat pumps -solar water heating and heating - gasification of production halls and…

Marek Mikulášek

Montáže rozvodů: -topení -voda -zemní plyn: -domovní přípojky -kotelny bez omezení výkonu -středotlaké rozvody -propan butan: -instalace nádrží -podlahové vytápění -kotelny. Rozvody v plastech a mědi. Prodej: -instalační materiál -kotle všech značek. Drobné stavební práce.