Heating work

Among the most commonly used heating activities include the installation and repair of heating systems and heaters, installation of heat distribution throughout the house or across the firm fitting the underfloor heating and installation of boilers, as gas, as well as those operating on solid fuel.

Petr Peškar

Plynoinstalační práce Montáž - solární systémy v programu ZELENÁ ÚSPORÁM Topenářské práce Montáž - zpliňující kotle na peletky Eshop - instalatérské potřeby Montáž - sádrokartony Rekonstrukce - koupelnyzednické práce Relaxační a sportovní masáže - lávové kameny - baňkování

Petr Štěpán

Our company has been performing complete reconstructions of apartments and real estate for almost 20 years, including the construction of new buildings. Our main specialization is the reconstruction of apartments, houses and apartment cores. We also offer other construction and masonry services such as lofts, tiling, plasterboard, flooring and other construction work. Our main principle is a…