Geodetic work - engineering and construction geodesy - work in the real estate cadastre - mapping
Geodetic works, services: - geometric plans - engineering geodesy - aerial, intersection photogrammetry and laser scanning
Činnost: - geodetické práce
Geodetic office TRIgas Rožnov pod Radhoštěm performs complex surveying work in the field of geodesy. Geometric plans: - demarcation of land boundaries - engineering geodesy. The land surveying office operates in the town of Rožnov pod Radhoštěm and the surrounding area within 15 km. For regular customers, we provide a discount of min. 10%. We have been carrying out geodetic work…
Geodetic activities in the real estate cadastre - geometric plans - demarcation of land boundaries Geodetic activities in the design and construction of family houses and buildings in investment construction - topography and elevation for building projects - laying out buildings - construction documentation Thematic maps
Geodetic services Engineering activities, building permits Project activity in the construction of insurance - zoning decision.
Liquidation of ecological accidents - geoecological surveys, monitoring systems. Remediation work of underground and surface water and soil in case of contamination. Deep boreholes - wells, boreholes for heat pumps. Earthwork.
Water management structures: - surveys - geodetic works - variant study - project preparation - engineering activity - realization of constructions - professional consulting and other activities.
Geodetic work for cadastral offices and construction.
Services: - 3D modeling, landscape visualization - aerial photogrammetry - scanning, vectorization Delivery: - a special technique for acquiring geographic data
Geodetické plány - vytyčení stavby podle projektu - vytyčení vlastnických hranic - zaměření polohopisu a výškopisu - parcelace pozemků
Geodetic and cartographic works: - preparation of geometric plans - demarcation of property boundaries of land (demarcation sketch, demarcation protocol) - demarcation of the building - focus of engineering networks - topography, elevation for the project - focus on the actual state of the object - Orthophoto of the facade of the building - preparation of thematic maps.
Soudní znalectví v oboru statika a dynamika staveb - oceňování nemovitostí Zaměření a vytyčení - pozemky - stavbygeometrické plány Projekty - pro územní rozhodnutí - pro stavební povolení - pro provedení stavby - pro dílenské dokumentace stavby - tendrovévýkon autorského dozoru - architektonické studie
Geodetic work - orientation of plots, topography and elevation - geometric plans - demarcation of property boundaries, buildings - orientation and preparation of documentation of the current state of buildings.
Dodávka, montáž: - tepelná čerpadla Vrtání: - studny
Geodetic work - surveying activities, including geometric plans or marking out and surveying land and buildings