Gas work

Revision of gas boilers, wiring and connections belong to a large group of gas works. Furthermore, it is possible to use the adjustment of the gas boiler and space heaters, search of gas leaks and their prevention, the installation of gas systems or the revision of the gas equipment.


Installation: water, heating, gas, solar systems  - plumbing - plumbing  - heating work  - gas works - gas installations  - solar technology  - heat pumps  - central heating  - sanitary technician Realization of utilities:  - gas connections  - water connections Service of boilers and gas equipment:  - Gas installations: VAILLANT, DAKON, JUNKERS, DESTILA, DE DIETRICH, HERMANN,…

Ing. Milan VÁVRA

Prodej, montáž, servis, revize: -tepelná technika: -kotle na plyn, ELTO, biomasu -ústřední vytápění -podlahové vytápění PEDOTHERM -rozvody v mědi -měření a regulace -plynová zařízení: -domovní plynovody -dodávky regulačních skříní -přetěsňování starých rozvodů -tlakové zkoušky -revize -zdravotní technika: -vodovody -kanalizace -zařizovací předměty -elektrotechnika: …

Profitall spol.s r.o.

The company Profitall spol.s r.o. focuses on production and assembly of equipment for power engineering, engineering production and also on production and sale of fireplace stoves and fireplace inserts. In our wide range of products you will find water heaters, transfer pipes, chambers, air heaters, air ducts and boiler flue gas ducts, steel structures and many other products. All our activities…

Jiří Holatka

- AUREG Sales, assembly, revision: -BUDERUS gas and electric boilers, WOLF, DAKON, PROTHERM VAILLANT, JUNKERS, NEPHIT. Measurement and control: -construction -spare parts. Sale: - electrical appliances, gas appliances (karma, heaters) -spare parts - KERMI, KORADO, COSMONOVA radiators. Work: -heating: -divorces: - gas, heating oil, propane butane - distribution systems…