Gas work

Revision of gas boilers, wiring and connections belong to a large group of gas works. Furthermore, it is possible to use the adjustment of the gas boiler and space heaters, search of gas leaks and their prevention, the installation of gas systems or the revision of the gas equipment.

Instalatérství Zdeněk Kabát

Firma Zdeněk Kabát je spolehlivým partnerem pro provádění instalatérských prací v oblasti topení a vodoinstalatérství. Nabízíme kvalitní a profesionální služby pro domácnosti i firmy. Naše firma má dlouholeté zkušenosti a vysokou odbornost v oboru. Mezi naše hlavní činnosti patří: - Rozvody vody z plastu, podlahové topení, topení z mědi, železné potrubí, svařování plamenem. Používáme…

SILBA-Elstav s.r.o. - stavby a rekonstrukce

Construction, design and electrical installation company. Construction work: -construction, reconstruction and modernization apartment and family houses -performing facades -plasterboard, attic installations -locking paving -construction of sidewalks and roads with bituminous surface -construction and reconstruction of HV and LV networks -cable distribution -electrical work …

Vladimír Lukeš - montáž plynových spotřebiču

We deal with the comprehensive supply and installation of gas appliances. Our services are based on many years of qualification and a professional approach. We supply gas appliances, boilers, stoves and also carry out their professional assembly, service and revision. Our portfolio of services also includes installation of gas pipelines, central heating, and we also provide sealing of…

Instalatérství Pavel Vaculík

Heating, plumbing and gas work with 19 years of experience in the field. Water, heat, gas. Water, heating, gas and subcontracting for construction companies. Plumbing, heating, gas material. Heating and heating floor (in the floor), gas, solid fuel, with electric boiler, economical, for wood gas, condensing boilers - gas - saving up to 30% - the possibility of use in houses, apartments .... …

Bednář Ostrava s.r.o.

Hledáte spolehlivého partnera pro vaše projekty v oblasti tepelné techniky, zdravotechniky a TZB? Chcete mít jistotu kvalitní projekce, dodávky a montáže vašich zařízení? Pak je pro vás správnou volbou firma Bednář Ostrava s.r.o. se sídlem v Ostravě. Firma Bednář Ostrava s.r.o. je na trhu již více než 20 let a nabízí komplexní služby v oblasti tepelné techniky, zdravotechniky a TZB. Mezi…

StavbyKrása s.r.o.

StavbyKrása s.r.o., se sídlem na adrese Úvozní 573, Vítkov, je vaším spolehlivým partnerem pro všechny stavební projekty. Kvalita, na kterou se můžete spolehnout. Naše firma se pyšní dlouholetou tradicí a zkušenostmi v oblasti stavebnictví. Od prvního nápadu až po poslední detail – jsme tu pro vás. Každý projekt, ať už malý nebo velký, je pro nás výzvou, kterou přijímáme s nadšením a…

Bureš stavby

The company Libor Bureš provides a complete service for those who are looking for suppliers of design and construction activities. We are a close-knit team of experts who have been providing their skills since 1991. We handle both demanding construction contracts and ordinary construction work for small clients. Demolition and laying of new floors, cutting and stretching of plaster,…

Milan Svobodný

Milan Svobodný's company based in České Budějovice deals with all plumbing, heating and gas works. It operates in the entire South Bohemian region. As part of plumbing work, we offer installation of water connections, repairs of old sewers and repairs of all accidents. We have experience with small home repairs, but also with large-scale implementations of new buildings. We also provide…

TEVOX spol. s r.o.

Production, design, turnkey delivery, assembly, reconstruction, inspection, repairs, service, periodic tests, engineering: - boiler rooms, heating plants, incinerators - exchanger, reduction, pumping, compressor stations - pipelines, including coatings and thermal insulation - heating, floor, wall, floor central heating - installation of gas, water - measurement and regulation (MaR)…

Kalora a.s. - rekonstrukce inženýrských sítí Cheb

Kalora a.s. provides turnkey orders from project documentation to delivery and installation, including all documents required for approval in the areas of heating, cooling, plumbing, sewerage, gas installation, distribution. technical gases, electrical installations, wastewater treatment plants. For all the above activities and services, we offer processing of price offers according to customer…

Milan Kubiš

Plumbing work, craft, services: -electrical installation, assembly-electrical installation -heating, installation-domestic gas pipelines -plumbing, water and sewer connections. Assembly, warranty and post-warranty service, repair, maintenance: -gas appliances -gas boilers (JUNKERS, THERMONA, COSMOGAS, BUDERUS, DESTILA). -home gas pipelines.

Karel Krula

gas inspection, repair, service of gas appliances Znojmo -industrial fans and air conditioning. -service of gas boilers, condensing boilers, flow heaters -water, heating, gas -wiring -heater -gasman Service of boilers brands Karma, Baxi, Immergas, Thermona

Libor Maňák - Instac

Water, heating, gas. Water: -assembly, reconstruction and repair of water and sewage distribution -delivery of material for replacement of boilers, instantaneous and storage water heaters. Heating: -assembly, reconstruction and repair of central heating in metal, copper and plastic -distribution of floor heating -exchange of heat sources Gas: -project documentation -lining of…

TECH SPOL spol. s r.o.

Služby. Topení: -kotelny -vyměníkové stanice -montáže ústředního vytápění aj. Plyn: -plynovody: průmyslové, venkovní, domovní, distribuční -plynové přípojky -revize plynových zařízení. Voda: -rozvody vody: průmyslové, venkovní, domovní -požární vodovody. Kanalizace. Chlazení: -montáž klimatizační jednotky.