Miroslav Mojžíš - ABC Podlahy Mojžíš
Sale -parquets, mosaics, floating floors, linen, PVC - carpets and corks - renovation of wooden floors - carpet cleaning.
Sale -parquets, mosaics, floating floors, linen, PVC - carpets and corks - renovation of wooden floors - carpet cleaning.
Construction activity: - civil and industrial buildings - machine plastering - Self-leveling floor - finishing construction work.
Floor line Sales, consulting, assembly: - floating floors - residential and heavy-duty carpets - classic parquet floors.
Sales, retail, assembly: - floors - wooden door
Activity: - modification of walls, floors and bathrooms - finishing elements (mouldings, rosettes, columns, borders) - interior and exterior floor finishes - realization of bathrooms on call - replacement of plastic windows - supply and installation of all shading technology
Retail, sales, assembly: - floor coverings - carpets, lino, pvc.
Velkoobchod, maloobchod, montáž: -podlahové krytiny DLM*, GERFLOR -sportovní povrchy.
Flooring Sales, assembly, underlaying - wooden floors - laminate, vinyl - PVC floors
Sales and installation: - floor coverings -floating floors -parquets, PVC, vinyl parts, carpets, cork - floor chemistry - perimeter, transition strips, accessories. - preparation of the substrate (screed, chipboard and OSB boards).
Work: - production of concrete floors Rental, rental: -piston pumps for concrete screeds and mixtures
Installation and sale: - floor coverings such as marmoleum, parquet, wooden floors, laminate floors, carpets, squeegees and new upholstery kits - floor and transition strips -piece carpets -wooden and metal garnishes - parquet sealants, varnishes - parquet waxes, etc.
Vyrábíme nábytek (i kancelářský), kuchyně, ložnice, pokoje, vestavěné skříně. Schodiště, zábradlí, obklady, interiérové dveře. Zhotovíme altány či pergoly včetně 3D návrhu. Plotovky, plotové dílce, zahradní doplňky. Pokládáme plovoucí podlahy.
All construction work: - installation of plasterboard - tiling and paving, floating floors - plasters, stucco, concrete screeds - painting, renovation of apartments, houses, offices - foundation of buildings, lining, repairs and modifications of interiors, facades.
Prodej podlahové krytiny: - koberce, PVC, plovoucích podlahy - dřevěné podlahy, vinylové podlahy s možností dovozu a pokládky.
We deal with: - construction and reconstruction of family houses and apartments on a turnkey basis - concrete self-leveling cast floors - anhydride self-leveling floors
Činnost: - obkladačské práce - omítky dekorativní vnitřní - drobné stavební práce - pokládka plovoucí podlahy.
Our company has been operating on the market since 2003. The scope of our company has expanded from Pardubice to the entire Czech Republic. Our customers are both craftsmen and large companies. We implement: - cement, epoxy and anhydrite industrial floors, - coating of concrete, steel and waterproof structures. We supply accessories for drilling, cutting and anchoring. We sell…
Sale: - contract and piece carpets, PVC *, floating floors. Services: - wallpapering, painting and varnishing work - laying floor coverings, sewing.
Wholesale, retail, assembly: - wooden floors - laminate floors - PVC, vinyl floors - floor renovation - stair coverings
Crafts, Services, Assembly: - flooring - the door - wooden facades, terraces - stairs
Sales, installation, assembly: - wooden and laminate floating floors, vinyl, PVC, carpets - Porta, Boulit, Solodoor, Sapeli doors. - door fittings, floor accessories,