Flooring work

Floor laying and covering, gluing and laying of carpets, repair of floors, slats and parquet, implementation of special types of floors – anhydridových or cast concrete and renovation floors– all this and much more ensure a professional flooring work.


Sale: -solterial furniture, tapestries, glass, porcelain, home accessories. Work: -Joinery, joinery, flooring. Wood production, assembly: -wooden furniture - piece, office, home made of solid wood, laminate, veneer - custom joinery products - equipment for shops, restaurants, bars, hotels, guesthouses


Construction company: -reconstruction of apartments and houses -painting and painting works - insulation of apartment and family houses -laying interlocking paving -installation of plasterboards -soil constructions -floating floors - securing financing.

Michal Kasálek - Stavby Zlín

We provide construction and reconstruction of houses and apartments, carpentry work, painting work, electrical work, installation of water-topo-gas construction work - turnkey family houses reconstruction of houses and flats facade insulation plasterboard floating floors interlocking paving carpentry-carpentry roofing plumbing installation of skylights painting work-painting rooms …

Izofo, s.r.o.

Velkoobchod, maloobchod, prodej: -izolačních a instalačních materiálů -izolační materiály do krbů a komínů -izolačí pouzdra na potrubí -doplňkový materiál: -lepící a krycí pásky jednostranné, oboustranné -lepicích a krycích pásek. Izolace, izolování: -rozvody: -vodo, topo, plyn, páry -solárních rozvodů. -chladicích rozvodů: -chladících a klimatizačních zařízení,…

Libor Polášek

Construction company. Realization of constructions. Reconstruction, rebuilding: - flats, housing cores - family houses - commercial buildings - recreational facilities. Work: - masonry work - tiling - laying paving, wall tiling - painting, painting - flooring - laying the floor - carpentry work - domestic plumbing - water, heating, gas - wiring. Handyman. All repairs…


We offer professional implementation activities in the areas of floor systems. We manufacture interior and exterior doors, door fittings, door frame linings, stairs, stair coverings and railings. We also manufacture and assemble custom-made kitchen units and built-in wardrobes. Production, assembly, implementation: - floors - interior and entrance doors - door frames - forging - cladding…

B&P INTERIÉRY s. r. o.

Laying: - floor coverings. Work: - excavation - masonry - flooring - painting and painting - plumbing - electrical installation. Facade insulation. Renovation of bathrooms - apartment core. Construction: - kitchen counters. Distribution of PC, telephone and TV networks. Project and spatial documentation. Production: - atypical furniture - atypical sofa sets. Sale: -…

Malíř LUKO

Malířské - natěračské práce. Nástřik gotele. Dekorativní malby. Antická zemina. Nátěry: - zárubně - okna - dveře - fasády AIRLESS technikou. Stěrkové a klasické omítky, obklady a dlažby. Plovoucí podlahy. Čištění koberců, čalouněného nábytku, interiéru vozidel technologií Karcher.

Lukáš Ašer

Demolition, demolition work. Demolition: - iron structures (masts, bridges, halls, buildings, reservoirs, old factories, mine shafts) - throughout the Czech Republic. Redemption: - ferrous, non-ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Painting works. Laying of floating floors. Plasterboard partitions. Installation of linings. Terrain work. Mowing the grass. Felling trees and splitting wood.…