Electrical work

You need to install the wiring or let it perform a periodic electrical inspection? Electrical work shall include the involvement, control or revision, approval of, or any consultation and subsequent repair. Entrust your electrical network of professionals.

Revize elektro Ing. Josef Smolík

The main content of our company is the revision of dedicated electrical equipment, advice and consultancy in this area. Audits, services, consulting: - electrical devices in households - electrical equipment in industry - lightning rods - machines - electrical devices - electric hand tools. Another integral part is the program of services that we are able to offer in cooperation…

TERMGAS s.r.o.

Plumbing and heating work: - installation and repair of gas connections and appliances, - revision and design of sanitary installations - revision of electrical installations, construction work - installation of water - gas - heating, heat pumps, floor heating, also projects - reconstruction of bathrooms and sanitary facilities. Our company owns all currently valid certificates…

Elektrikář Praha - Tomáš Erben

Electrical work (for apartments, schools, offices, shops, surgeries, cooperatives, SVJ, houses). Since 1990 we have been improving our services for you. This is evidenced by the increasing number of satisfied customers who have been addressing us with their requirements for many years. A satisfied customer is our priority. We guarantee the high quality of our services, use proven materials,…

Ing. František Haščyn

Osvětlení - protokoly osvětlení pro hygieniky - návrhy osvětlení - autorizace ČKAIT obor technika prostředí a osvětlování - inženýrské sítě veřejné osvětlení Projekce - technika prostředí elektro Vnitřní elektrické instalace - inženýrské sítě (elektro) Projekce - hromosvody dle norem (ochrana před údery blesku a přepětím) Regulace - elektrické topení …