Electrical work

You need to install the wiring or let it perform a periodic electrical inspection? Electrical work shall include the involvement, control or revision, approval of, or any consultation and subsequent repair. Entrust your electrical network of professionals.

Z a B, s.r.o.

Construction activity: -realization of buildings - reconstruction of buildings -transportation construction: -repairs of lower bridge structures -retaining walls - drainage of roads - drainage systems ACO DRAIN, HAURATON -flow regulation -reinforced areas of interlocking paving -parking areas - industrial buildings: - halls, warehouses -assembly operations -…

Petr Navrátil

Elektrocentrum služeb. Automatizace, regulace, elektrosystémy, servis, obchod: -elektroinstalae od A do Z: -rodinné domky -nájemní domy -byty -kompletní elektroinstalace -opravy elektroinstalací -rekonstrukce -rozvaděče -rozvodnice -domovní telefony -montáže svítidel -prodej, oprava: -pračky (TATRAMAT, PHILCO, ZANUSI, ROMO, EUROTECH,…

EZAMONT Group, a.s.

The company holds ISO 9002. Activity in power and energy distribution and construction. Comprehensive security, projects, implementation, revision: -power and energy distribution in a wide area of capital construction -computer processing of documentation engineering networks -projection of LV, MV, HV networks, transformer stations HV / LV, motor, light and house divorces.

KIP Brno, spol.s r.o.

The company KIP Brno, spol. s.r.o. was established in 1992, it is a purely Czech company that has and develops its business activities not only in the company headquarters and its wider surroundings, but also in other regions of the Czech Republic and abroad. The company KIP Brno is a supplier of system solutions for the creation of cable system projects in large-scale industrial buildings, we…

JICOM, spol. s r.o.

The company holds ISO 9001:2007, ISO 14001:2005, OHSAS 8001:2005 certificates. Assembly, reconstruction, repairs, revision of electrical equipment mainly for the Czech Republic: - substations, low and high voltage substations - indoor and outdoor installations in industrial and residential buildings - electrical and telecommunication cable distributions - lightning conductors, lightning…

Martin Petrův

SILNOPROUD: - průmyslové a bytové instalace - elektrická topení - osvětlení interiérů - přepěťové ochrany - elektrické přípojky - servis - revize - přihlášky SLABOPROUD: - telefonní rozvody - antény, STA, satelity - kabelová televize - audio a video intercomy - strukturovaná kabeláž - zabezpečovací systémy - protipožární systémy - kamerové systémy -…

Alena Tenglová

BREAKDOWN SERVICE, breakdown NONSTOP for all Prague districts and surroundings: 800202020 MON-FRI 8-18 gas, water, heating, electro, sewerage, fault finding and removal, inspections. REPAIRS, INSTALLATIONS, RECONSTRUCTIONS, INSPECTIONS PLUMBING, PLUMBER SEWERAGE - BREAKDOWN SERVICE: - disposal, repairs, installation - cleaning by machine - hydroblasting - camcorder inspections -…

Pavel Apt

Our company deals with construction activities in the scope of building management, interior modification, reconstruction. Electrical installations, lighting, electrical reconstruction. Led - diode lighting Construction activity: - House - apartment - business premises - office. Services: - adjustment - reconstruction - reconstruction.

R O C C O G R O U P s.r.o.

Building company. We carry out constructions from the project to their implementation. The volume of our orders is wide-ranging and includes: - reconstruction of residential and non-residential premises - new buildings and attic additions - warming up - electrical installation - revision of electricity and lightning rods - cleaning services

Jan Myška - Elektroslužby BROMY

Elektroinstalační práce představují hlavní činnost naší firmy. Nabízíme široké rozpětí služeb - od montáže domovního zvonku až po kompletní elektroinstalační zajištění celých objektů. Provádíme : -veškeré elektroinstalační práce, opravy a údržba stávající elektro-instalace a objektů -celkové rekonstrukce objektů, revize a přihlášky vč. revize -elektrické vytápění (přímotopy, akumulační)…

Skelet IS a.s.

Skeleton IS a.s. offers: -terrain work -communication - ground work -road - sidewalks - water pipes and sewers -gas pipelines -utilities - engineering - engineering constructions -construction supervision -public lighting - electrical wiring - outdoor - design of buildings - turnkey buildings -lock paving - fences.