Demolition work

Take advantage of the demolition work including earthworks and demolition works, processing and removal of earth and rubble, recycling materials and environmental disposal of hazardous waste, disposal and remediation of asbestos. Demolition are possible with low buildings and industrial objects.

Zdeněk Novák

Nákladní autodoprava - vnitrostátní - do 12t - vozy TATRA Nákladní autodoprava - vnitrostátní - 24t - vozy TATRA Odstraňování staveb Zemní práce Realizace - stavby Pokrývačské práce

Recys-Mach, s.r.o.

Construction activity - transportation construction - construction of family houses - project documentation - insulation of buildings - plumbing work - heating works - gas installation work - rehabilitation - demolition work. Rental of construction machinery. Real estate activity, rental of non-residential premises.