Vladimír Krystyn
Construction activity, construction: - family houses - bridges - utilities - non-residential construction - reconstruction - earthworks - demolition - road transport
Construction activity, construction: - family houses - bridges - utilities - non-residential construction - reconstruction - earthworks - demolition - road transport
The Vladimír Kučera company offers all earthworks and excavation works. At the same time, we also carry out demolition work, demolition and minor construction and finishing work. We operate primarily in the Tachov district. Our activity: - ground and excavation work - excavations for septic tanks, pools, ponds and lakes - excavations for water and sewer lines and connections - terrain…
Autodoprava - nákladní - do 14t - sklápěč Likvidace - stavební odpady Demolice Zemní, přípravné a výkopové práce - terénní úpravy Půjčovna - buňky na stavbu
Construction company: - family houses - reconstruction of rental apartment buildings, housing complexes - repairs of internal and external sewers with a TV camera inspection - plasterboard works - demolition work - clearing objects - chimney repairs, etc. We ensure: - painting works - painting works - carpentry work - electrical installation work, etc.
Demolice Pokládka - základové desky Zemní práce Dopravní stavitelstvívýstavba - komunikace
Bourací práce Sádrokartonářské práce Obkladačské práce - dlaždičské práce Zednické práce - přestavby bytových jader - rekonstrukce koupelen - vnitřní a venkovní omítky Rekonstrukce - koupelny
Earthworks Vrchlabí, Hostinné, Trutnov and the whole Giant Mountains Earthworks and excavations with the help of walking excavators. Thanks to our walking excavators, we can handle all earthworks in hard-to-reach terrain, in the woods, around the tracks, on the slope and when cleaning ponds. - TATRA 815 s 3 - PRAGA V3S tipper truck In the winter months, we clean snow in and…
Container transport for the construction industry - rent - containers Freight transport for the construction industry Freight transport for the construction industry Demolition Earth and excavation works - gliding
Recycling activity Insulation of houses, panel and family Demolition work Complete construction activity - reconstruction of heritage buildings Machine plasters
Likvidace - odpady Elektrikářské práce Poradenství - topení Topenářské práce Montáž - radiátory - topení v budovách - plynové kotle Bourací práce Výkopové práce Obkladačské práce - dlaždičské práce Rekonstrukce - koupelnyzednické práce Montáž - potrubí
Activity: - ground and excavation work - demolition - demolition work - truck transport
Odvoz - odpady z demolic Demolice traktor, bagr, VOLVO, bagr NEW HOLAND, otočný bagr KOMATSU Zemní práce
Autodoprava - doprava sypkých materiálů a zeminy - přeprava těžké mechanizace do 25t Bourací práce - demolice objektů Veškeré strojní zemní práce
The company Vítek - STAVBY s.r.o. with headquarters in Nýřany in the district of Plzeň, mainly deals with construction work. We carry out insulation of facades (waterproofing and rehabilitation of buildings), turnkey construction, reconstruction of buildings and reconstruction of housing cores. You can also contact us in case of requirements for demolition work. Our activity: - construction…
Nákladní autodoprava - vnitrostátní - do 10t - vozy TATRA, IFA, AVIA - valník - traktorová Obchodní činnost Odstraňování - stavby Zemní práce Stavební práce a jejich změny Meliorační práce Agrotechnické práce
Tesařské práce krovy Stavba - čističky odpadních vod Trhací práce Stavební práce
Activity: - earthworks - demolition work - truck transport
Our company performs constructions, earthworks: - excavations, foundation slabs. drainage, sewerage - demolition work, debris removal, container rental - import of sand, gravel, aggregates - construction of concrete pools, landscaping, interlocking paving
Reconstruction of buildings. - houses, cottages - flats. Rehabilitation of damp masonry. Demolition and demolition. Interlocking paving sidewalks. Plasterboard work. Interior plaster and facades. Turnkey constructions. HAKI scaffolding rental.
Design work Demolition New buildings
Joinery workshop - handmade furniture, decorations, home accessories, equipment for interior and exterior. We also create complete interior solutions from design to implementation. We perform, among other things, engraving, cutting and laser marking. We produce furniture, decorations, equipment for bars and restaurants.
Our company performs earthworks and excavations, landscaping throughout the South Moravian Region. We provide transportation of bulk materials and container transport. We perform demolition of small buildings.
We are a young company that is based on an individual approach to each of our orders and the personal wishes of our clients. We will be happy to come to you anywhere. We focus on: Complete reconstruction of apartments and houses. From masonry, plasterboard, electrical, plumbing, tiling to painting work, we offer, among other things, a complete cleaning of the building or. Final cleaning. We have…
The Boko stavby company based in Brno provides construction and complete reconstruction of residential and non-residential premises, family houses and other buildings. Performs demolition, flooring, painting and masonry work.
-Earth and excavation work -Landscaping -Preparatory and finishing work for buildings -Digging foundations for family houses -Demolition with a hydraulic hammer -Import of building materials -Debris removal -Container transport -Truck transport -Utility networks -Water supply -Sewerage