Demolition work

Take advantage of the demolition work including earthworks and demolition works, processing and removal of earth and rubble, recycling materials and environmental disposal of hazardous waste, disposal and remediation of asbestos. Demolition are possible with low buildings and industrial objects.

Vladimír Kučera

The Vladimír Kučera company offers all earthworks and excavation works. At the same time, we also carry out demolition work, demolition and minor construction and finishing work. We operate primarily in the Tachov district. Our activity: - ground and excavation work - excavations for septic tanks, pools, ponds and lakes - excavations for water and sewer lines and connections - terrain…

Vladimír Neplech

Construction company: - family houses - reconstruction of rental apartment buildings, housing complexes - repairs of internal and external sewers with a TV camera inspection - plasterboard works - demolition work - clearing objects - chimney repairs, etc. We ensure: - painting works - painting works - carpentry work - electrical installation work, etc.

Tomáš Jakoubek

Likvidace - odpady Elektrikářské práce Poradenství - topení Topenářské práce Montáž - radiátory - topení v budovách - plynové kotle Bourací práce Výkopové práce Obkladačské práce - dlaždičské práce Rekonstrukce - koupelnyzednické práce Montáž - potrubí

Vítek - STAVBY s.r.o.

The company Vítek - STAVBY s.r.o. with headquarters in Nýřany in the district of Plzeň, mainly deals with construction work. We carry out insulation of facades (waterproofing and rehabilitation of buildings), turnkey construction, reconstruction of buildings and reconstruction of housing cores. You can also contact us in case of requirements for demolition work. Our activity: - construction…

Trakom, s.r.o.

Nákladní autodoprava - vnitrostátní - do 10t - vozy TATRA, IFA, AVIA - valník - traktorová Obchodní činnost Odstraňování - stavby Zemní práce Stavební práce a jejich změny Meliorační práce Agrotechnické práce

ProfiStavby Vysočina s.r.o.

We are a young company that is based on an individual approach to each of our orders and the personal wishes of our clients. We will be happy to come to you anywhere. We focus on: Complete reconstruction of apartments and houses. From masonry, plasterboard, electrical, plumbing, tiling to painting work, we offer, among other things, a complete cleaning of the building or. Final cleaning. We have…