Crane work

The crane allows the loading, lifting, translating and lifting heavy construction materials and other heavy loads. Weight capacity of cranes ranges in the tens of tons. Jeřábnické work therefore apply in particular in the construction sector, where ease of handling.

Jiří Preisler - Jeřábnické práce Turnov

Mr. Jiří Preisler provides crane work and services in the field of road transport to his customers. We perform truck crane work using Liebherr 1030/2 and Tatra AD 28 cranes. Our portfolio of services includes installation of panels, transshipment of machines, construction cells, installation of swimming pools within a range of up to 35 m, recovery of crashed vehicles, transportation of…

Zemědělské družstvo Pojbuky

Agricultural cooperative Pojbuky is engaged in the cultivation of cereals, rapeseed, fodder wheat, food rye and malting barley. We raise cattle for meat and milk. We offer the import of bulk materials or the removal of grain. We sell very early, early, semi-early and industrial potatoes for consumption or seed potatoes. The agricultural cooperative also carries out construction work -…

Šauer, spol. s r.o.

The company Šauer, spol. s r.o. provides work with mobile cranes, domestic and international transport, transport of excessive loads, field and excavation work. We emphasize the quality of our services in such a way that all our customers are satisfied. Truck cranes: We focus mainly on mobile cranes with a load capacity of up to 30 tons. If you have a heavier load, it is not a problem for us…

Antonín Brázdil

Společnost Antonín Brázdil provádí jeřábnické práce. Jeřábnickými prácemi se zabýváme několik desítek let. Při jeřábnických pracích používáme nejmodernější techniku dostupnou na současném trhu. Během našeho působení jsme vyložili, naložili, přeložili, vytáhli a spustili desítky tisíc tun nejrůznějšího materiálu a zboží. Jeřábnické práce provádíme autojeřáby AD 20, LTM 1030, LTM 1035, LTM 1060…

Střechy Sixta - Michal Sixta - Střechy na klíč

Michal Sixta - Turnkey roofs offers complete carpentry, plumbing and roofing work. Carpentry work is a basic element of the construction of wooden load-bearing roof structures. High-quality execution of carpentry works, according to the prescribed regulations and rules, will ensure the long-term stability of the structure and thus the entire roof of the building. Carpentry work also includes…

Autojeřáby Kliment s.r.o.

All material handling and loads and earthworks are the responsibility of Autojeřáby Karel Kliment. Our company has been operating on the market for more than 20 years and we offer our customers crane works as well as complex earthworks. Our services include all handling of material and loads, crane work during renovation and repair of buildings, assembly of halls, transport of building…