Crane work

The crane allows the loading, lifting, translating and lifting heavy construction materials and other heavy loads. Weight capacity of cranes ranges in the tens of tons. Jeřábnické work therefore apply in particular in the construction sector, where ease of handling.

KOLOC s.r.o. - Zemní a bourací práce Rokycany

The business of KOLOC s.r.o. is the execution of all earthworks, demolition, demolition, utilities and excavations. We also operate freight and oversized road transport and crane work. We concentrate on construction of communications infrastructure of civic infrastructure, shopping centers and food supermarkets. Company KOLOC s.r.o. also supplies and installs Toshiba heat pumps. We are based in…

Doprava a mechanizace, a.s.

The company Doprava a mechanizace, a.s. was established in 1992. It offers work in the construction industry connected with the transportation of materials and soil, for earthworks, transportation and storage of concrete mixtures, work for truck cranes, construction tower cranes, road rollers, compressors including pneumatic hammers, workshop facilities for the repair of these devices and…

Zemědělské obchodní družstvo Němětice - ZOD Němětice

Services: -livestock production, milk production, - rearing of piglets and fattening of pigs, sale for barbecue, homemade defeats -breeding of sheep and lambs -one-day and eight-week-old chickens -Crop production -potatoes, seed potatoes, cereals, rapeseed -masonry-implementation of construction works -car and tractor transport - working with a truck crane - agricultural…


Služby: -zpracování přípravné a projektové dokumentace na venkovní a kabelové rozvody VN** a NN**, transformační stanice VN** a NN** -investorsko-inženýrská činnost -dozor stavby -dodavatelsko-inženýrská činnost -realizace venkovních a kabelových rozvodů VN** a NN**, venkovních a vnitřních trafostanic 22/04 kV, domovních přípojek, elektroinstalací a …


Building and business firm. Complete realization of building construction, turnkey projects. Services: -construction work -flooring -plumbing work -roofing: -classic, flat roofs -fusible metal strips, semi-modified and full modified foils VEDAG -tin work -brickwork -heating engineering -locksmithery, metalwork -timber work, carpentry -painting -paintwork -electricians work: …

FABAK-Václav Kotlík

Earthworks: -cleaning and siltation of ponds and riverbeds -excavation works, excavations of foundations -milling of most types of rocks, concrete and masonry (cutter WS45N) -stablishment of buildings for family houses i for industrial buildings (purifiers) Demolition: -demolition and demolition work, removal of buildings -machinely -Blasting. Road transport: …

Agar spol.s.r.o.

Services: -dismantling work -silage troughs -panel manure pits -panel surfaces and paths - large-capacity haylofts and warehouses formed by a steel structure, sheet metal, aluminum cladding. Offer: - dismantled silage troughs and their parts - panel elements - road panels of all sizes.

ZEMPR Tábor s.r.o.

Služby: -zemní práce -obchodní činnost -stavební materiály -renovace materiálu -renovace náhradních dílů -skrývky -rekutlivace pozemků -demoliční práce -autodoprava do 22 tun* -autojeřáb -MAN s rukou -povrchové úpravy kovů do 2m metrů délky a do průměru 1m -pískování.

ATE, s.r.o.

Locksmith production. Construction, assembly, repair and reconstruction of technical transport and railway equipment. Installation, repair and maintenance of dedicated electrical equipment. Designing electrical equipment. Manufacture, installation and repair of electrical machinery and apparatus. Installation and repair of telecommunication and security equipment. Earthwork.

Západočeská stavební společnost, s.r.o.

Západočeská stavební společnost, s.r.o. based in Holýšov performs construction activities, earthworks, crane works. We carry out industrial constructions, construction of waste water treatment plants, rough constructions and reconstruction of family houses, construction of panel roads, parking areas. Construction, construction: - industrial buildings - concrete structures - WWTP -…

ZIPP Brno s.r.o.

Construction company Zipp s.r.o. Brno is engaged in designing and statics of reinforced concrete structures, turnkey construction of buildings, providing transport services such as oversize transport and oversize transport, rental of mobile cranes and assembly work platforms. We have been operating on the market since 1994. Our clients are both foreign and domestic entities. The company…