Scaffoldings and assembly platforms

Is working at heights safe? Yes, if you have available high quality aluminum scaffold or mobile towers, platforms hoists, construction winches, manual hoists, ladder lifts or hanging walkways. Make use of sale or lease and work with the best.

Petr Vobr

Services: - construction of family houses - renovation of apartments, bathrooms - insulation of the facade - tiling, paving - scaffolding rental

Dušan Vajbar

Delivery and installation - blinds - mosquito nets - insulation - facades - rent - scaffolding - plastic windows - repairs and reconstructions - interiors - exteriors

Tomáš Mikunda

Lease: - platforms, work with the platform. Working with the platform: - coating of structures, gutter systems and facades - pruning, cuttings and felling of trees - risky felling of trees - stump milling - chipping of branches. Assembly and gluing: - ads. Repairs: - house facades - bird holes. Maintenance and installation: - gutter systems.

Vít Zajíček

Stavby a montáže - zahradní domky Elektroinstalační práce Poskytují - odborný servis a poradenství Opravy - nadstřešní části komínů Topenářské práce Montáž - kuchyně Služby hodinového manžela Půjčovna - lešení - dílcové HAKI včetně podlážek - rámové LAYHER BLITZ šíře 1,09 m - pojízdné HAKI s použitím do hal Půjčovna - stavební kozy - ruční…