Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.


Construction work, company: -new construction of houses, office and utility buildings, turnkey house construction -insulation of residential buildings, prefabricated houses -replacement of old windows -plumbing work (eaves, window sills ...) -insulation of flat roofs and against groundwater -insulation of pools and reservoirs Reconstructions and repairs: -houses, prefabricated…

Erik Hauerland

Stavební firma, činnost, práce: - zednické práce - stavby na klíč - rekonstrukce - půdní vestavby - zateplení, zateplování budov - sanace vlkého zdiva - obklady a dlažby - sádrokartony, podhledové kazety - vodo- topo -plyn - malířské práce - podlahářské práce, podlahář - instalatérské práce, instalatér - elektropráce včetně revize - výkopové práce, demolice -…


We offer professional implementation activities in the areas of floor systems. We manufacture interior and exterior doors, door fittings, door frame linings, stairs, stair coverings and railings. We also manufacture and assemble custom-made kitchen units and built-in wardrobes. Production, assembly, implementation: - floors - interior and entrance doors - door frames - forging - cladding…

Zámečnictví Marek Gargulák

Zámečnictví Marek Gargulák vyrobí a postaví Vám plot dle vašich přání a požadavků. Naší hlavní činností je zakázková kovovýroba a oplocení pozemků. Vyrábíme sloupky, zahradní a vchodové branky, kované ploty a pojezdové brány. Plocení pozemků: - pletivo drátěné - plotové panely - podhrabové desky - betonové ploty - pletivo čtyřhranné pvc pozinkované - pletivo pvc svařované -…

Josef Brucháček - Pronájem lešeňových systémů

Josef Brucháček - Staré Město offers rental of scaffolding, building tools and mechanization. We have our customers mainly in the region of Uherské Hradiště - our rental has various types of scaffolding - tubular, frame, HAKI, scaffold towers and small building machinery, mixers, pumps. Since every scaffolding system has its advantages and disadvantages, it is important to choose carefully,…

ROGAT s.r.o.

In the company ROGAT s.r.o. we focus on complete construction activities. We employ professionals from the field of construction, masonry, carpentry, plumbing, roofing. Bring us a project, we will prepare a price offer and take care of the complete construction, installation. We provide construction of residential and industrial buildings and the implementation of new roofs, flat roof…

PROVING s.r.o.

Construction company, construction work, construction, implementation, reconstruction, repair, repair, reconstructions, reconstruction, construction: -apartment construction: - flats, apartments, family houses and houses, family houses and houses - industrial buildings - agricultural buildings -communication, engineering networks Projecting, projection: - building projection …

Oto Pejcha

Construction company, construction work: -residential buildings, apartments -warming -family houses -bathrooms, housing cores -roofs, plasterboard structures -plasters -demolition -masonry. I SAVE GREEN.

Jiří Konečný

Stavební firma se specializací na fasády a omítky. Rekonstrukce, opravy, oprava, omítání, stavba: -fasád omítek domů, staveb, rodinných domků, objektů -půdní vestavby a přístavby. Zateplování, zateplení: -vnější pláště budov - certifikovaný zateplovací systém MULTITHERM-RELIUS. Izolace, hydroizolace: -střechy a základy domů. Práce: -stavební na klíč -veškeré…

Stavební firma MÁCHA - Jaroslav Mácha

CONSTRUCTION, CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION. Construction work, execution of constructions, their changes and removal: - family houses (houses), industrial buildings - residential cores (residential cores) -bathroom(s) - insulation of the building, facade, insulation against water (waterproofing) -plasterboards, suspended ceilings -terrain work. Laying, tiling works: - tiling, paving,…