Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.


Plumbing. Heating industry. Installation and servicing of cooling equipment. Buying and selling goods. Mediation activity. Locksmithery. Installation and repair of dedicated gas equipment. Construction, alteration and removal. Production of machines and equipment for general purposes. Real estate activities.

MTD - moderní technologie pro dům, s.r.o.

Turnkey low-energy houses. STRAMIT technology, construction, reconstruction: - investment construction - projects - engineering - construction supervision - swimming pools - wastewater treatment plants - sumps - water measuring shafts - building materials - plastic windows - facade systems - the door - solar systems - the kitchen. Wholesale-retail: - water,…

PROPOS MB, s.r.o.

Our company is based in the center of Mladá Boleslav and has been operating on the market since 1995. The main content of our work is project activity in construction. It includes the design of small buildings, family houses, reconstruction of residential buildings, civil and industrial buildings and utilities. Of course, the design of buildings, studies and individual projects of individual…

Radek Ullman

Poskytujeme: - pokrývačské práce - zateplení a hydroizolace plochých střech - zemní práce - vodovodní a kanalizační přípojky - svařování PE horkým tělesem na tupo ve stroji-trubky dn 315 PE.

Josef Plachý - JPprima

JP prima Český Brod Příprava pro stavbu: - zemní výkopové práce, terénní úpravy pozemků - strojově i ručně. Stavební, truhlářské, tesařské práce, podlahy, dlažby a obklady - od základové desky až po střechu. Renovace starého i starožitného nábytku. Rekonstrukce: - byty a koupelny včetně obkladů a instalací. Výroba: - kuchyně včetně grafického návrhu. Dodáváky: - spotřebiče…