DD Bulls, s.r.o.
Lakýrnické práce Malířské práce Tesařské práce Topenářské práce Zednické práce Klempířské práce Pokrývačské práce - kompletní střechy na klíč Instalatérské práce
Lakýrnické práce Malířské práce Tesařské práce Topenářské práce Zednické práce Klempířské práce Pokrývačské práce - kompletní střechy na klíč Instalatérské práce
Wholesale: - building flat glass. - insulating glass. - safety glass. -mirrors.
Work: - masonry - reconstruction of buildings - tiling, paving - bathrooms
Wooden buildings - garden houses - gazebos Sale - building material
We are a company engaged in the implementation of constructions. We provide building modifications, reconstructions, complete reconstructions, technical supervision of buildings, design and engineering activities. Our goal is to satisfy even the most demanding customers. We implement everything after a thorough analysis of the conditions and finding the most advantageous solution.
Pavel Provazník offers all roofing, plumbing and carpentry work. We provide installation of new roof and repair of existing roof cladding, including supplies of necessary material. Our activities include the production of gazebos, pergolas and garden houses. Our activities, work: - roofing - carpentry - plumbing - new roofs - repairs, reconstruction of roofs - laying of roof…
Production: - assembled halls and warehouses -pallet, shelf and console racks
Real estate agency. Development activity.
Construction, construction: - residential buildings - civil buildings - commercial buildings - industrial buildings -reconstruction Sales, retail: - construction costs - wall materials -roof coverings -construction chemistry -windows, doors - insulating materials Sales, delivery: -sand -grind -gravel -coal - briquettes
Projekce - dopravní stavby Projekce - pozemní stavby
Construction company, construction: -roads. -utilities. - construction, reclamation of landfills. - ground work. -activities carried out in a mining way.
Are you going to build or renovate and are you looking for building materials? Here you will find a wide range of building materials from the best suppliers. We have been active in the construction market since 1994. DROPS v.o.s. is the exclusive regional representative of CAPAROL and MAPEI. The company has its own construction equipment, including road transport. The company continues to…
Společnost CH + K - Topservis, s.r.o. se věnuje oboru vodo, topo, plyn. Provádíme montáže, opravy rozvodů vody, odpadů, plynu a topení, instalujeme tepelná čerpadla, solární kolektory i kotle na biomasu. Mezi naše služby patří také vyřízení kotlíkové dotace. Sídlíme v Komárově, okres Beroun. Služby, zajištění, vyřízení: - kotlíková dotace na nový ekologický kotel nebo tepelné čerpadlo,…
Realitní agentura Realitní agentura Inženýrská činnost (stavební organizace, rozpočty, ...) Projektová činnost
Real estate - development activity offer and sale of own flats Construction and development activities
Construction company, construction: - family houses - commercial and production facilities - reconstruction - building projections
Plasterboard works Reconstruction and implementation - bathrooms Plumbing work
Work: - design work in the construction industry. -construction supervision.
Sales, e-shop: - building materials - concrete products - plasterboard - OSB boards - roof coverings - isolation
Delivery: - log houses Kontio.
Protipožární zabezpečení staveb Výstavba - rodinné domy
Construction company - reconstruction of panel and apartment buildings - insulation of buildings - general repairs of flat roofs
Construction: -plastic windows and doors -wooden windows and doors Construction, construction: -family houses -reconstruction Work: -insulating - plasterboard