Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.


The company KOSSTA TŘEBÍZ s.r.o. specializes in the construction of high-quality, low-energy, custom-made wooden buildings in the diffusion-open Insowool system. Our designers propose practical and economical solutions. It adapts the house to your style. He will recommend the functional layout and orientation of the house within the plot. He can handle any challenge. We use a diffuse open…

Klika & Dvořák, s.r.o.

Company activity: - sale of building materials - earthworks - construction work - execution of constructions - maintenance work - interlocking paving - construction of roads - construction of sidewalks, parking lots, incl. their repairs and reconstructions - strengthening the surroundings of the family house with interlocking paving - earthworks with own machines: - Liebherr…

Unisort Novák Emil

A complete range for craftsmen, do-it-yourselfers and carpenters. Sale: - cladding boards - floor boards - Classic floorboards - plastic outdoor floorboards - plastic interior cladding - floor battens - floor moldings - planed boards - prisms - furniture fittings - building hardware - tools - electronic material - electric tools - pneumatic tools - adhesives -…

MTD - moderní technologie pro dům, s.r.o.

Turnkey low-energy houses. STRAMIT technology, construction, reconstruction: - investment construction - projects - engineering - construction supervision - swimming pools - wastewater treatment plants - sumps - water measuring shafts - building materials - plastic windows - facade systems - the door - solar systems - the kitchen. Wholesale-retail: - water,…

PROPOS MB, s.r.o.

Our company is based in the center of Mladá Boleslav and has been operating on the market since 1995. The main content of our work is project activity in construction. It includes the design of small buildings, family houses, reconstruction of residential buildings, civil and industrial buildings and utilities. Of course, the design of buildings, studies and individual projects of individual…


The only manufacturer in the Czech Republic: - palisade curbs and split palisades Production, sale, transport-storage: - fresh concrete (also lightweight) - concrete interlocking paving (paving elements) - vegetation parts (grass blocks) - road, garden, palisade curbs - split palisades - road elements (grooves) - elements of retaining walls and fences: - chipped stones -…


GEOINDUSTRIE s.r.o. je společnost, která se zabývá zakládáním staveb a prováděním různých prací souvisejících s hornickou činností a inženýrským stavebnictvím. Mezi její hlavní služby patří: - Velkoprofilová pilotáž: Jedná se o metodu, která umožňuje vytvořit základy pro stavby na nestabilním nebo obtížně prostupném terénu. Piloty jsou dlouhé a široké sloupce z betonu nebo oceli, které se…