Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.

Eriva, s.r.o.

Zateplení - fasády Montáž - sádrokartonové příčky a podhledy Pokládka - dlažby - obklady Výstavba - rodinné domy na klíčrekonstrukce - bytové a provozní budovy Rekonstrukce - fasádyomítky

Tomáš Hájek

Construction of family houses Painting Coatings and insulation of facades Plasterboards Reconstruction of apartments and houses Tiles and paving Masonry and construction work Fences and interlocking paving Plumbing and heating works Anhydrite floors Preparatory and finishing work for pools and sumps

Ing. František Rulík

Services: - construction projection - project work in construction - architectural studies - projects for land and construction management - construction announcement projects - building passports, garden projects - elaboration of the energy performance certificate of the building (PENB) - engineering activity.

Tomáš Kostečka

Kácení stromů horolezeckou technikou - arboristika a rizikové kácení Drobné zahradní stavby Údržba - soukromá i veřejné zeleňrealizace, návrh a údržba - zahrady

Ing. Jan Sladký

Proposals and implementation - interiors Engineering activity, author's supervision Projection - buildings - family houses - apartment buildings, ... processing of documentation for the application for the issuance of a decision on the location of the building (DUR) - processing of documentation for the building permit application (DSP). processing of…