Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.

ALBET, spol. s r.o.

The company ALBET, spol. s r.o. deals primarily with engineering activities associated with acquisitions, development, management, rental and sale of real estate. We also run a rental and service of construction and garden machinery. The tool rental has a wide range of machines designed mainly for construction, reconstruction, earthworks and landscaping. The company ALBET spol. s r.o. was…


Služby: - aktivní hromosvody dle NF C 17 102 - výhradní dovozce pro ČR a Slovensko - pasivní hromosvody - kompletní dodávky elektro SIL a SLP - návrhy, projekty, montáže a revize elektroinstalace - návrhy, projekty, montáže a revize FVE - servis a údržba - kompletní dodávky na klíč - zabezpečovací systémy - evakuační rozhlas Stavební divize nabízí: - výstavbu inženýrských sítí…

Luděk Bouček

Services: - reconstruction of residential cores -renovation of apartments on a turnkey basis -tiles, paving stones -floating floors -plasterboards -soil constructions - suspended ceilings -painting and varnishing works -painting of facades - cladding frames -electrical work - thermal and sound insulation.

TYPAZ, s.r.o.

Inženýrská činnost při přípravě a realizaci staveb. Projektová dokumentace: - stavební práce - vnitřní vybavení objektů. Poradenství: - investiční výstavba - zpracování podkladů pro získání státních dotací vyhlašovaných programů.

Tenton s.r.o.

General contractor of civil engineering projects. They offer and supply construction work with an individual approach to investors to meet their needs at the most. We implement a great number of projects for private and institutional investors, ranging from demanding reconstructions: -representative administrative buildings - hotels - commercial centres - health facilities -…

KADORO s.r.o.

CONSTRUCTION: - reconstruction of houses - apartments - housing cores and bathrooms - reconstruction of non-residential premises (offices, shops, etc.) - construction of family houses on a turnkey basis - complete attic constructions - masonry and tiling works - plasterboard works - carpentry and roofing work - painting and varnishing works - plumbing and heating works - electrical…

GASKO s.r.o.

We provide: -plumbing work -heating work -gas distribution -reconstruction and construction of new buildings -heating -seat -orly we will perform construction work a we provide in quality and on time according to Your ideas. We use all known and available materials for our deliveries. We also offer the implementation of equipment using non-traditional types of energy, …

Gunnex s.r.o.

We sell construction accessories. In particular, insulation, extruded polystyrene, XPS footfall noise insulation, geotextiles, underlying textiles, Foldex building foils, studded drainage foils, gutters and gratings. We also offer professional systems, grass blocks, signaling tapes, drainage and drainage systems, connecting materials, anchoring technology for windows, doors, facades, and roofs.…


Prodej, servis: - vibrační, nárazová beranidla. Firma PTC (Procédés Techniques de Construction) položila základní kámen vibrační techniky v době svého vzniku, roku 1928, vynálezem ponorného vibrátoru. Prudký růst firmy v následujících letech byl charakterizován technickým vývojem výrobků. V roce 1956 firma PTC vyvinula první Vibroberanidlo pro beranění a vytahování štětovnic. …