Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.

VRŠA - SPORT s.r.o.

Firma VRŠA - SPORT s.r.o. - sportovní stavby vznikla roku 2007, ale zakladatelé a majitelé firmy VRŠA - SPORT s.r.o. - sportovní stavby podnikají v oboru již od roku 1993 s tím, že do dnešního dne nebyla uplatněna žádná reklamace. Firma VRŠA - SPORT s.r.o. - Sportovní stavby nabízí: - sportovní stavby "na klíč" - projektování sportovních staveb - venkovní i vnitřní umělé povrchy …


Zajišťujeme projektování: - inženýrských sítí - skládek a rekultivací - sanací - technických zařízení budov - okrasných vodních ploch a rybníků - pozemních a dopravních staveb. INŽENÝRSKÉ SÍTĚ: - vodovodní řady a přípojky, vodojemy - kanalizační stoky, přípojky, přečerpávací stanice, dešťové retenční nádrže - ČOV - plynovodní řady a přípojky, regulační stanice. …

Panelbyt, spol. s r.o.

reconstruction of houses, apartments reconstruction of housing cores, bathrooms reconstruction of non-residential premises, offices reconstruction of restaurants, shops attic buildings cutting panels masonry and tiling works plastering work architect services and design work revisions and static assessments painting and varnishing work plasterboard works electrical work plumbing work…

Montus s.r.o. - development

Development company providing engineering, construction and sale of detached and terraced houses and plots of land. We are currently implementing energy-saving new constructions of the available terraced and family houses offered by us in the villages of Zlončice near Prague, Krakovany in the Kolín region and in the locality of Pudlák in Teplice.

ASKO a.s.

The sales and distribution center of wood materials offers worktops and window sills. We offer laminate and wood floors. Our offer: - board materials - worktops - window sills - lumber - floorboards - planed goods - thresholds - cladding panels - floors - floor accessories - leaves - handles - furniture fittings, plastic - paints and assembly materials.

Solartec s. r. o.

Production: - solar cells (basic product) - color and concentrator cells - light sensors - sections of solar cells - photovoltaic panels - photovoltaic insulating double glazing - PV projects - projection of photovoltaic power plants - implementation of photovoltaic power plants - BIPV (integrating PV into buildings) - foreign development cooperation projects. .


Development projects. Reconstruction: - historical buildings in Prague. Implementation, construction: - new buildings in Prague - new apartments and family houses outside Prague. Property management and maintenance. Real estate agency. Mediation - sale and rental of real estate: - apartments - family houses - office premises - commercial, warehouse premises - administrative…

SMP CZ, a.s.

Our company SMP CZ, a.s. with headquarters in Prague 8, deals with comprehensive services in the field of bridge construction and reconstruction. SMP CZ is organized in industry-specific construction divisions: - transport - water management - industrial - specialization. Transportation construction: - prefabricated and monolithic prestressed bridges - linked bridges -…