Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.


Our company Royal Tech s.r.o. realizes various types of sports surfaces. We also supply sports equipment for halls and gyms. We carry out orders comprehensively, on a turnkey basis. We focus primarily on quality. Delivery, sale, realization, assembly: - sports floors - sports surfaces - floors in the gym. We offer wooden sports floors, artificial sports floors (Conipur HG) and combined…

TORCH s.r.o.

VODOINSTALACE - plast, ocel, pozink, měď - Kompletní rozvody užitkové a pitné vody - Venkovní instalace - Kompletní rozvody požární vody - Kompletní rozvody vzduchu - Výměna a montáž vodoměrů PLYNOISTALACE - železo, plast, měď - Kompletní rozvody plynu - Domovní…

Apex Bohemia s.r.o.

Activity: - business activity - project activity - revision, consultation and advisory activities - civil and housing construction - engineering and industrial buildings - special work including landscaping - reconstruction and repair of historical buildings - construction and assembly work - construction of roof systems, roofs and trusses - attic buildings - final finishing…

David Hurt - údržba zeleně, odvoz odpadů

David Hurt focuses on providing services in the field of green maintenance and communications. As part of our business, we perform pruning of shrubs, mowing the grass, watering and skinning flower beds, planting trees and milling stumps. Furthermore, we can offer our customers road cleaning and snow removal. You can find us at kpt. Stickers 2331, Pardubice. Green maintenance, services: -…

Roman Vaniš

We perform: - cladding of buildings - sandwich panels - pleated cloak - ventilated facades - trapezoidal plate - lighting systems - orientation of the construction - workshop documentation - static calculations - complete installation of wall and roof cladding - production of auxiliary OKs - production of plumbing elements - PD of actual execution - supporting steel…

Jiří Jansa

Provádíme, nabízíme: Lehké montované haly - výrobní haly - skladové haly - zastřešení - sportovní haly - doplňkové příslušenství - zakázková kovovýroba - oplocení - elektroinstalace - rekonstrukce hal - pojezdové brány Možnost čerpání dotací z EU. Provozovna: Grégrova 79 Česká Třebová 560 02

AMV Czech, s.r.o.

- photovoltaic panels - photovoltaic power plants - provision and submission of an application for the connection of the power plant u ČEZ company - a complete assembly of the PV power plant, which you will need a which will suit your requirements - PV installation on your roof - revision and necessary project documentation - we will provide the necessary documents for negotiations…