Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.

SZA-STAV, s.r.o.

SZA-STAV, s.r.o. - execution of constructions: - new buildings - turnkey family houses - reconstruction of buildings - facades - tiling and paving - attic installations - reconstruction of apartment cores - measuring objects - fencing of buildings - trucking - earthworks - training center.

Petr Rančák

The field of our company is mainly pool edges for indoor and outdoor pools, their production and applications. We also produce fence cover plates as an additional assortment to FACE BLOCKS fittings. Paving and tiling from our production will satisfy even demanding customers not only with its quality but also with its price. In addition to the usual parameters for the functionality of swimming…

Stavebniny Beran Jan s.r.o.

Stavebniny Beran Jan s.r.o. je moderní samoobslužná prodejna stavebnin. Stavební centrum a koupelnové studio nabízí široký výběr stavebních materiálů, výrobků, pomůcek a nářadí pro dům, byt, dílnu a zahradu. Velkoobchod, maloobchod: - stavebniny, stavební materiál - stavební materiál pro stavbu domu od základů až po střechu - zateplovací systémy - izolační materiály - okna, dveře,…