Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.

Stavební firma CARDA-MÜLLER s.r.o.

Construction company CARDA-MÜLLER s.r.o. performs all work related to the reconstruction, repair and maintenance of the railway superstructure and substructure, reconstruction and repair of bridges and culverts, chemical weed control by spraying, repairs of crane tracks, all earthworks and operates road transport. Furthermore, our company deals with repairs and reconstructions of residential,…

Kovář Radek

Práce: -montáže vnitřních i venkovních rozvodů vody a kanalizace -kompletní montáže topení -montáž podlahového vytápění -čištění odpadů -veškeré instalatérské -rekonstrukce koupelen a bytových jader -veškeré topenářské.


Construction activity: - Construction, alteration and removal - apartment construction - reconstruction and modernization. Business activity: - activities of business, financial, organizational and economic consultants - intermediation of trade and services.