Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.

Ing. Milan Zedník

Soudní znalec - ekonomie a stavebnictví ceny a odhady nemovitostí, posudky staveb obytných, posudky staveb průmyslových Stavební dozor Projektování - pozemní stavby Zemní práce Drobné stavební práce - rekonstrukce koupelen, bytových jader Rekonstrukce - koupelny Výživové poradenství - klub výživového poradenství

Jaromír Nevřala

Školení - v oblasti bezpečnosti a ochrany zdraví při práci BOZP Nákladní doprava Elektro revize - elektromontáže Projekce a stavba - sluneční elektrárny

Ivo Pavlita

Main activities: - all masonry and tiling work - construction of turnkey family houses from various building systems YTONG, POROTHERM, etc. - turnkey reconstruction of apartment cores - reconstruction of family houses - insulation of family houses We also provide: - plumbing, heating and gas works - electrical work - including revisions and others - large selection of tiles, including…

Martin Olivík - - stavební práce

The company Martin Olivík performs all construction work. Our activities include the construction of houses, reconstruction of buildings, insulation of facades, lofts and laying interlocking paving. We are located in the village Radkovy, district Přerov. Construction company, we provide: - masonry work - construction of family houses - reconstruction of buildings, houses, flats, office…

Lumír Matyáš

Assembly, reconstruction, revision and gasification: - boiler room assembly - residential and industrial gas pipeline audits - pressure vessels Construction: - equithermal regulation Gas installation work Construction: - solar heating equipment - heat pumps Heating works Construction: - floor heating Masonry work Realization: - sewer lines Plumbing work

Luboš Žádník

The company of Mr. Luboš Žádník deals with the complete installation of water, heating and gas distribution. Our services therefore include the implementation of heating distribution, bathroom reconstruction, installation of waste and sewerage, distribution of drinking and utility water, implementation of domestic gas pipelines and gas connections and many other activities. We are located in the…