Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.

KUNST spol. s r.o.

Návrh, projekce, výroba, montáž, oprava, servis: - čistírny odpadních vod - úpravny vod - čerpací stanice - armaturní komory, vodojemy Výroba: - konstrukce strojů pro vodohospodářské účely. - svařování nerez trubek - řezání vodním paprskem.

PD Přerov s.r.o

Datum zániku:31.12.2014 Velkoobchod, maloobchod, prodej: - stavební materiály - cihelné bloky - lešení. Půjčovna, pronájem: - lešením trubkové, HAKI, ALFEKO - stavební stroje, nářadí.

Ing.Otakar Slouka - STAVBY SLOUKA

Construction company in Přerov. Construction activity: - turnkey delivery, construction, reconstruction: - family houses - industrial buildings - Hall - reconstruction of buildings - modernization of buildings - thermal insulation, thermal insulation of the building, facade - classic interior plaster - remedial plasters - industrial floors - wire concrete - cast…

Ing. Otakar Slouka

Construction company in Přerov. Construction activity: - turnkey delivery, construction, renovation: - family houses - industrial buildings - halls - reconstruction of objects - modernization of objects - insulation, insulation of buildings, facades - classic interior plasters - rehabilitation plasters - industrial floors - reinforced concrete - cast floors and anhydrites…

J. A. P. spol. s r. o.

Construction cases for sliding doors TRIX ZERO, TRIX ONE, TRIX HEAVY and ROLLO sliding systems Sliding stairs Stainless steel railings All-glass and glass doors, walls, tiling behind the kitchen Grapeglass Interior and exterior stairs: - segmental stairs - spiral staircases - side stairs - stirrup stairs - concrete staircase cladding