Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.

KERN stavební firma s.r.o.

KERN construction company s.r.o. deals with the construction of family houses, reconstructions, residential and civil construction, superstructures, interior modifications and reconstructions of facades. Furthermore, our customers can use the building materials store, which is focused on dry construction with its range. In the assortment you will find mainly plasterboards, sealants, adhesives,…

Torau Invest s.r.o.

Construction activity: - utilities - paved areas. Complex earthworks. Controlled drilling holes using an optical navigation system with a CCD camera up to a diameter of 500 mm. Cutting asphalt and concrete. Drilling with HILTI: - holes of circular cross-section up to 250 mm in any material.

NEZ AGRO s.r.o.

Plant growing mechanization: - representation of companies: - RAU, KVERNELAND, VOGEL&NOOT, MASCHIO, GASPARDO, MERLO, ROPA, GOLDONI, MENGELE, ZIEGLER, CASE, TRIOLIET, LINDNER, MX, ROPA, WEIDEMANN, WALKER., GYRAX, GREEN TECHNIK, BRESSEL UND LADE, BILLY GOAT, GRASS HOPPER, SIMBA, VICON. Sale and service: - municipal equipment - agricultural machinery - forest machines - building…

SDU servis s.r.o.

All work including delivery of material: - plumbing, plumbing - heating - locksmith - water, heating, gas. Reconstruction of bathrooms. Assembly, repairs, maintenance, revision: - all electrical equipment. Production: - low voltage switchboards (supply of material and exposure to electrical inspections). Production, repairs, assembly: - gauges (water meters). Revision: -…

Rybka - stavby a služby, s.r.o.

Construction company. Comprehensive work: - new construction and reconstruction of family houses, residential buildings and housing stock, extensions and superstructures of buildings - attic buildings - buildings for business purposes - administrative buildings, buildings for production and services, warehouses - additional buildings - garages, outbuildings - garden…

Baran - FMB, spol. s r.o. - Ing. Karel Baran

Construction company BARAN will be available at any time if you are building or reconstructing a house or apartment. We offer products of very high quality and standard, including plastic and wooden windows, doors, garage doors and roller shutters. We focus on all construction work and thermal insulation of facades and houses in Opava and surroundings. Also visit our showroom in Opava on…

Jakub Sedlář - Sebako

Stavby a rekonstrukce střech. Stavby a rekonstrukce obytných a rodinných domů. Stavby rodinných domů na klíč (i nízkoenergetických). Demolice staveb. Prodej stavebních materiálů. Prodej solárních panelů všech druhů.

Pavel Harnol - Hartop

Stavební firma: - kompletní stavební práce - voda, vodoinstalatérské práce - topení, topenářské práce - plyn, plynařské práce - vytápěcí systémy - bytový desing - rekonstrukce interiérů, bytů, koupelen, kuchyní. Koupelnové studio. Prodej, montáž: - kondenzační kotle - kotle na tuhá paliva - solární technika - tepelná čerpadla. Sídlo firmy: - Bezručova 1152/5, Krnov - Pod…

EITH s.r.o.

Velkoobchod, maloobchod, prodej: - čalounické potřeby: - molitan, potahové látky, lepidla, rouna, popruhy, postelové kování - stavební kování: - závěsy, zástrče, zámky, stavební vložky, kliky, hřebíky, vruty, hmoždinky, spony, sponkovačky, kliky, vrtáky - stolařské potřeby: - nábytkové kování, úchytky, drátěný program, kování na posuvné dveře - lepidla disperzní - barvy a…

Nowický David - Zednictví & Malířství

Our construction company Nowický David carries out complete construction work and realization of orders such as construction of houses, reconstruction and repair of buildings, repairs and thermal insulation of facades. We also focus on painting and painting facades of houses and doors around Opava and Ostrava. The main activity of the company is the construction of houses, masonry, painting,…

AF STAV-Fousek Aleš

Regionální zastoupení firmy CAPAROL - barvy, tmely, zateplení. Rekonstrukce, novostavby: - rodinné domy, zpevněné plochy. Rekonstrukce: - byty, památkově chráněné objekty, zateplení fasád. Prodej, maloobchod, železářství: - kovo, nářadí, šrouby, kladiva, sekery, zednické pomůcky, tmely - střešní krytiny DAULUX. Půjčovna, prodej a servis stavební a zahradní techniky značek.

Jiří Mikšík

Electrical installation. Projects, implementation, assembly, revisions, repairs: - entrance gates, garage doors, remote control, garden lighting - electrical equipment, electrical equipment. Sale: - electronic material. Building materials. Sale: - building material - building materials - masonry materials - concrete pavements - chimneys - sewerage - construction chemistry…

Hana Šindlerová-DREVOP

LARGE AREA MATERIALS: -inland and imported laminates of trade mark PFLEIDERER-WODEGO -plywoods -blockboards -"sololits" (hardboards), "sololaks" (pegboards), "hobra" (hardboard), MDF -wood chipboards -multifunctional panels WODEGO -edges. Kitchen worktops and melamines PFLEIDERER-WODEGO. Sealing bars of kitchen worktops and edges. Material for small doors of kitchen units…

Jiří LENART s.r.o.

The company Jiří LENART s. R. O. Operates water supply and sewerage systems for public use in Opava and its surroundings. It also focuses on the construction of ecological buildings and utilities. We implement a WWTP (wastewater treatment plant). We offer you the following services: - demarcation of the water supply facility in our administration - engineering and construction activities …