Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.

Stavby Nisa, s.r.o. - Specialisté na bydlení Liberec a okolí

CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. M-STAVBY Liberec has been active in the construction industry for many years and provides this area in a comprehensive and professional manner. Construction activities of the company: CONSTRUCTION, CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION: - turnkey family houses (or only partial delivery) - residential houses - thermal insulation of facades and attic spaces - outbuildings,…

HAVAX a.s. - Stavební firma Liberec

HAVAX Liberec. Professional construction company with many years of experience and strong background. We provide complex construction activities from the project to handing over the finished work. Our priority is the professional quality of orders and keeping the construction deadline. We realize constructions all over the Czech Republic and we have a team of people who guarantee high…

PROFI-TECHNIK s.r.o. - Prodejna a půjčovna nářadí Liberec

Specialized store, tool rental and construction machinery in Liberec. Now at the new address Žitavská 658/33. Range of goods: - vibratory rammers, vibratory plates, vibratory plates, vibrators and concrete trowels - mixers and mixers for construction mixtures - redevelopment and floor cutters for concrete - demolition, demolition and cutting hammers - drilling technology SDS MAX, SDS +…

Rekra, s.r.o.

The company Rekra, s.r.o. offers company cleaning, mechanical cleaning of warehouses, garages, workshops. Regular or one-off cleaning of offices, doctor's offices, car showrooms, hotels, boarding houses, non-residential premises of panel houses. We also clean family houses and apartments. We will provide you with interior, regular and general cleaning, washing of windows and blinds, cleaning…

Ing. Jiří Benhák

The supplier Ing. Jiří Benhák focuses on the planning and design of building construction, including engineering and technical supervision. You can find our headquarters in Lucany nad Nisou in Liberec Kaji. We provide the following services:  - projects, planning of building construction  - preparation of project documentation for obtaining a building permit  - engineering, engineering  -…

KVAPRO spol. s r.o.

Společnost KVAPRO spol. s r.o. je stavební firma s dlouholetou tradicí, založená v roce 1999. Sídlíme v Novém Městě pod Smrkem a specializujeme se na široké spektrum stavebních prací. Nabízíme kompletní služby v oblasti pozemního stavitelství, včetně výstavby rodinných a bytových domů, průmyslových a zemědělských objektů. Provádíme také rekonstrukce, opravy, půdní vestavby, zateplování fasád a…

N.A. STAVEBNÍ s.r.o.

Vaše cesta k dokonalému domovu začíná u společnosti N.A. STAVEBNÍ s.r.o. Nabízíme široké spektrum služeb v oblasti stavebnictví. Působíme v Praze, severních a středních Čechách. Poskytujeme komplexní řešení na míru od novostaveb, přes rekonstrukce, až po praktické úpravy vašeho interiéru. Naše specializace na “stavby na klíč” znamená, že se o vše postaráme - od základů po finální úpravy. …

Instalatérské práce Vasyl Lomaha

Firma Instalatérské práce Vasyl Lomaha se specializuje na širokou škálu profesionálních instalatérských služeb, které zahrnují topenářské a vodoinstalační práce. V oblasti topenářství nabízíme komplexní řešení od napojení kotlů na tuhá paliva, plyn i elektřinu až po realizaci moderního podlahového vytápění, které zajišťuje komfortní teplo ve vašem domově. Naše firma je rovněž odborníkem na…

RRT Cleanrooms s.r.o.

The company RRT Cleanrooms s.r.o. will provide a precise and comprehensive solution for the installation of a clean space tailored to the client's requirements. Our main activity is to provide comprehensive supplies of components for the construction of clean rooms. In our range you will find building elements for the complete installation of a clean room and specialized filtration and…


Společnost MARCO GLOBAL SERVICES s.r.o. se sídlem v okrese Liberec se zabývá dodávkami v oblasti energetických úspor a fotovoltaických elektráren Je stabilním a zkušeným dodavatelem fotovoltaických elektráren a dodává solární elektrárny pro rodinné domy, samosprávu i firmy. Současně zajišťuje také energetické poradenství, ale i dotační poradenství v oblasti energetických úspor a následný…

Petr Červeňák

Hledáte spolehlivého partnera pro vaše stavební projekty? Firma Petr Červeňák se sídlem v Jablonci nad Nisou je tu pro vás. Nabízíme širokou škálu stavebních služeb, od drobných oprav až po komplexní realizace nových staveb. Naše služby jsou synonymem kvality, přičemž klíčovým aspektem je dostupnost pro široké spektrum klientů. Co nabízíme? -Kompletní stavební práce: Od základů až po střechu…

Vasyl Ursta - stavební práce

Hledáte spolehlivou a kvalitní firmu, která vám pomůže s vašimi stavebními plány? Chcete si nechat rekonstruovat dům nebo byt, postavit novou stavbu na klíč, nebo jen zlepšit vzhled a izolaci vaší fasády? Pak je pro vás správnou volbou firma Vasyl Ursta, Železný Brod! Firma Vasyl Ursta, Železný Brod se zabývá kompletními stavebními pracemi od základů po střechu. Nabízí rekonstrukce domů a bytů…

IKDS s.r.o.

Design office IKDS s.r.o. focuses on providing design services according to the wishes and requirements of the customer. We have extensive experience with project activities in the field of public procurement. We are able to develop a project for individuals and legal entities in accordance with their requirements and with regard to compliance with strict technical standards and laws. Our main…

Jiří Prokop - Instalatérství

Plumbing Jiří Prokop carries out complete plumbing and heating work. We offer delivery and installation of water, sewer, gas and heating. We also focus on bathroom renovation and we will provide you with minor construction work, including the reconstruction of houses or flats. We realize distribution of plastic, copper, steel, pex and alpex pipes, we also install heat pumps, air conditioning,…

Klempířství Jindrák

Klempířství Radek Jindrák offers complete roofing, plumbing and carpentry work, implementation of new roofs and reconstruction of older roofs. Our other services include work with an assembly platform with a range of 18 and 30 meters. We carry out orders in Jablonec, Liberec, but also in the whole of Eastern Bohemia. Work performed by us: - plumbing - roofing - carpentry related to the…

Služby města Cvikova s.r.o.

The main activity of the Technical Services of the City of Zwickau is the administration and year-round maintenance of the city. We take care of the maintenance of roads and sidewalks and their cleaning and winter maintenance. Our other activities include the removal of faeces, cleaning of sewer connections, removal of debris and other waste. We also provide all high-altitude work for the city,…

Perfect lešení

Roman Čech - Perfect scaffolding deals with a complete scaffolding service. We offer everything from focus through price offer to implementation. We will lend you or rent scaffolding. Thanks to the easy installation of the scaffolding, you can start the reconstruction of the perimeter cladding almost immediately. We bring the scaffolding, assemble it and, after completing all the work, dismantle…

VAO, s.r.o.

The company VAO s.r.o. based in Liberec, has been specializing in the drainage of motorway, road and railway bridges since 1997 with its own systems using fiberglass, cast iron, stainless steel and, last but not least, polypropylene pipes. In addition, we also deal with special equipment of bridge structures such as restraint systems (barriers and railings), noise walls with safety glass or…

Pila Havel

Custom-made sawmill production Jiří Havel is engaged in the production of building timber and firewood. We also perform small carpentry production, marginally we are engaged in forestry work. The sawmill is located in Hrádek nad Nisou. Sawmill production, saw:  - building timber  - boards, beams, planks  - firewood. Small carpentry:  - pergolas  - garden furniture  - garden benches  …

Patrik Balog - kominické práce

Chimney sweep Patrik Balog provides complete chimney sweeping work. We provide construction, milling, repairs, cleaning, lining and inspection of flue gas paths. You can find us in the village Vlčetín, district Liberec. Chimney sweep, chimney work, chimney sweep: - construction of chimneys - inspection, cleaning of flue gas ducts, chimneys - repairs, reconstructions, service of chimneys …

Július Makula

Július Makula provides a wide range of construction work. We specialize in earthworks and excavations, sewer laying, masonry work, insulation, paving, debris removal and painting work. All this and even more can be provided by the company Július Makula, Jablonec nad Nisou. Construction activity, work, services: - earthworks and excavations - field work - mason, masonry - laying tiles -…

Futurity - Alan Klempár

The main activities of the company Futurity - Alan Klempár are cleaning of sewerage and household waste. We also carry out construction work, reconstruction, construction of retaining walls of various materials and excavations for utilities. We are based in Liberec. Sewer cleaning:  - domestic waste treatment  - pipe cleaning, sewer on main rows  - cleaning of clogged waste, toilets,…

Pavel Turo - stavební práce

Pavel Turo focuses on the implementation of construction work. As part of my services, I do earthwork and excavation work, landscaping, excavation of excavator foundations, thermal insulation, insulation of balconies and terraces, utilities or demolition work. The head office of the company can be found at Jeronýmova 3288/17, Jablonec nad Nisou. Construction activity, work: - earthmoving and…

Ing. Radovan Novotný

Authorized Engineer for Building Constructions Ing. Radovan Novotný deals with complex preparation of all stages of project documentation. In our design office, we prepare documents for ground and building management, detailed construction documentation and layout studies and 3D visualization of buildings. You can find us in Liberec on Vesecká street. Design office, services:  - layout…