Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.

renerga solutions s.r.o.

Photovoltaic power plant Services: -creation of implementation project documentation for construction -realization -authorical supervision -consultation Energy independence Offer: -comprehensive solution of self-sufficiency in electricity supply Services: Design and implementation: -hybrid photovoltaic systems, accumulation of surpluses -island photovoltaic systems (island houses) …

renerga solutions s.r.o.

Technical information and projects: Photovoltaic power plant Services: -creation of implementation project documentation for construction -realization -authorical supervision -consultation Energy independence Offer: -comprehensive solution of self-sufficiency in electricity supply Services: Design and implementation: -hybrid photovoltaic systems, accumulation of surpluses -island…

Robert Pavlíček

Sawmill production. Wood saw: -spruce, pine, larch, beech, oak -prisms, beams, beams, slabs, roof battens - trusses according to your wishes, truss assemblies - impregnation against wood decay fungi and insects. Sale of firewood: -chopped, soft, hard - sawmill waste. Work: - carpentry, roofing, plumbing. Roof coverings: - BRAMAG, TONDACH, KM BETA bags - asphalt strips -Bon shingle…

Josef Hrůza

Training, inspections, technical inspections of forklifts, cranes, construction machinery, handling equipment. Training on work platforms, work at heights, health and safety, inspection of steel structures. -Technical inspections of lifting equipment, platforms, inspection of lashing equipment and cranes and their professional repairs. - inspection of LPG equipment, lifting equipment and all…

ELSPACE s.r.o.

Electrical installations. Activity: -processing of project documentation -technological processing of project documentation -realization, including engineering activities -troduction of equipment -training user users -revision, service and maintenance.

BV-Dex, s.r.o.

Steel halls. production and assembly: -total halls for production, storage, logistics and sports purposes -steel structures and locksmith products made of stainless steel -surface treatment of material (blasting, komaxit, galvanizing, etc.) -coating -comprehensive delivery of projects, including statics

Radek Červenák - EuroINinteriér

Kompletní rekonstrukce domů, bytů a komerčních objektů, bytových jader. Suchá montáž, kvalitní montáž sádrokartonů, sádrokartonových konstrukcí, sádrokartony. Zateplovací systémy, zateplení obvodového pláště, stropů, střech, paneláků. Kompletní stavební práce. Prodej stavebního materiálu s dovozem na místo, vychystání materiálu. Stavby podle projektové dokumentace.


Stavební činnost, specialista na betonové konstrukce, ŽB konstrukce, železobetony, monolit: -realizace, rekonstrukce staveb, jejich změn a doplňků -realizace monolitických konstrukcí -hrubá stavba -železobetové konstrukce. ŽB dodávky: -stropy, stěny, opěrné základové konstrukce -speciální ŽB konstrukce -bednění ŽB konstrukcí -armování ŽB -dodávka a ukládka, transporty betonu. …


The company holds ISO 9001:2001, ISO 14001:2005, OHSAS 18001:2010 certificates. Production and implementation of contact thermal insulation systems and HSV activities for complete renovations and revitalizations. Revitalization: - an apartment building - industrial building -family house. Products: - white, gray polystyrene insulators, class And CZB, white ČSN -mineral wool - mineral…

Josef Vohradský

Opravy živičných povrchů. Opravy: -povrchů silnic a chodníků – z živičných materiálů nebo pod litý asfalt -propadlin, větší výtluky -vozovek po zřízení přípojek k nemovitostem a pod. -parkovišť -areálů firem -zhotovujeme příjezdové cesty k nemovitostem a jiné menší plochy.

Zednické práce Kamarád

Tiling, stone work, paving work Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou, Moravské Budějovice, Znojmo region: -home maintenance -repairs of cellars -plastering. We are a group of self-employed people, we deal not only with the construction of new houses, but also with various repairs and elimination of defects in older houses. Our priority is to help the customer with the recommendations of proven other…