Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.

PROTREND, s.r.o.

Sales, distribution, supply of tiles, tiling, paving, paving, sanitary equipment and floating floors, flooring, kitchens. Implementation of graphic designs, reconstruction of bathrooms and kitchens. The store with a size of 280 m2 of exhibition space is filled with a wide range of tiles, paving, floating floors and flooring at very reasonable prices. We create 3D visualizations of bathrooms…

Ivo Hanzlík

Services: -ground work -digging the foundations of buildings, complete implementation of motherboards -road terrain -transport and sale of concrete Base plates: -concreting of strips and boards -storage of anhydrite and concrete self-leveling screeds -surning of the surface before laying the final layers Sales, service: -pressure cleaners and sweeping machines (WAP, KEW, CLARKE) …

Agrotec, a.s.

Sale: - ground technology: - agricultural machinery, trucks and cars, construction machinery. Sales, service and leasing, IVECO distribution: -new, used, trucks, superstructures, trailers, semi-trailers -spare parts -NON STOP service -training center -car dealership -car insurance. AUTO Division: -sale of cars, cars, car accessories -service and repairs -bodywork,…


Projektování: - elektrická zařízení - automatizace - ASŘTP - technologická zařízení v energetice a průmyslu - vytápění - zdravotechnika. Ing činnost -vývoj a výroba software pro průmyslové procesy -výroba a dodávka rozvaděčů -instalace pro výrobní a průmyslové provozy, stroje a vybavení -instalace -automatizace technologických zařízení -řízení výroby a dodávek energií pro výrobu a…

BYTOP - GAS, spol. s r.o.

Sales, installation, assembly: -building, building material -binders and mortar mixtures -wall materials, roofing, concrete products -thermal insulation, waterproofing, drainage systems -plasterboard -windows, windows, doors, door frames -ceramic tiles and paving -seals, silicones -tool -colors Dufa -interior and facade paints, facade, facades -plaster, plaster -for…

Bytop-Gas, s.r.o.

Prodej, instalace, montáž: -voda, topení, plynoinstalace, projekt revize, stavebniny. Koupelnové studio -3D grafické studio -rekonstrukce bytové jádro, bytová jádra -vybavení koupelen, koupelny, koupelna. o nás, kontakty voda topení plyn montáže stavebniny barvy Düfa koupelnové studio akce

Stavba a údržba silnic s.r.o.

Road management and maintenance. Services: - provision of mobile information boards - realization of colored road surfaces with high surface friction - we represent the "Rocbinda" system from the company Jobling Purser Ltd. - construction and maintenance of roads, sidewalks, roads, parking lots - construction of elevated pedestrian crossings, deceleration islands - repairs and…

Stolařství Lexa Pavel

Carpentry, carpentry, joiner, joiner: - carpentry, carpentry work - production for the construction industry, components, formwork, beams, sub-floors - outdoor wooden products, solid wood products, laminate products - custom production, to order, to measure - euro windows, euro window, euro window -door, door-interior, exterior -stairs, stairs, fences, pergola, pergolas - furniture,…

Stolárna Čukan Milan

Construction activity, all construction work, including "turnkey" constructions. - joinery - joinery - the production program is focused on the production of standard and atypical opening fillings of the euro type, euro windows, euro doors -carpentry workshop, stairs, cladding, wooden floors, interior doors, terraces, fences, decking -turnkey construction of a house

FCS, s.r.o. - Stavební společnost Klobouky u Brna

Construction - family houses, turnkey house: Commercial objects. Rough constructions. Remodeling of residential buildings, reconstruction and modernization. Garden structures, construction, houses. Soil constructions, dry construction, plasterboard. Demolition work, demolition, removal of construction debris. - complete construction activity - turnkey construction - reconstruction,…

PRORES, spol. s r.o.

Construction activity, construction work, company: -ensuring comprehensive delivery, delivery of construction work, construction -constructions, turnkey construction -industrial, building constructions, construction -engineering, construction -reconstruction and repair of buildings, construction -extension, installation and extension of existing buildings -demolition of objects, demolition…

ROVEL Vyškov, s.r.o.

Velkoobchod, prodej: -železářské zboží, železářství: -bezpečnostní zámek, zámky a kování -stavební kování-kliky, klika, štíty, zámky, zámek -nábytkové kování-úchytky, úchytka, kolečka -autozámky, autozámek -okenní a dveřní závěsy -pojezdová kolečka, pojezdové kolečko pro zdravotnictví -obyčejné zámky, obyčejný zámek -brusné kotouče, brusný kotouč -řemeslnické nářadí…

Jan Sedláček

Dodávka, montáž, prodej, sklad: -tepelná a zvuková, akustická izolace - montáž sádrokartonového systému KNAUF, RIGIPS, ISOVER - tepelná izolace CLIMATIZER PLUS - montáž střešní okna, okno VELUX - řešení interiérů na klíč - půdní vestavby a nástavby - dodávka a montáž minerálních podhledů THERMATEX a ARMSTRONG - zateplení fasád pomocí systému VINYL SIDING a CLIMATIZER PLUS …

Sabáček Antonín, Ing.

Architectural studies, projections, engineering: - family, apartment and civic buildings -soil constructions - industrial buildings -gas station - PHM warehouses and bottling facilities* - oil farms - dishwashers and waste water treatment*.

Prost Hodonín, s r.o.

Jobs, services: Project activity: project documentation in the field of building construction - family houses, administrative premises, hotels, restaurants, accommodation facilities, schools, kindergartens, gyms, solutions for outdoor areas, local roads, parking lots, bike paths, technical equipment for the construction of family houses, etc .: -investment plans -architectural studies …