Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.

IDC Moravia, s.r.o.

Low-current distributions: -electronic, mechanical security of objects, fire alarms, camera systems. Construction of utility networks: -metallic telecommunication networks - credentials of the CTU -laying of pipes for optical cables - gasification of municipalities - water pipes and sewers -cable distribution and LV connections -public lighting -buildings throughout Moravia. …

STAVMAT IN, a.s. - areál ZD Rozvoj

Sale, wholesale, retail, distribution of building materials, building materials, building materials: -cements, limes, mortar mixtures, mortar -ČESKOMORAVSKÝ CEMENT, CARMEUSE CZECH REPUBLlC, CEMENT HRANICE, BAUMIT, LB CEMIX, KVK Adhesive, RENOP CZ, QUICK-MIX, GYPSTREND -wall materials -WIENERBERGER, HELUZ brick industry TERMOBRIK, TONDACH, CIHELNA MALENOVICE, YTONG HRUŠOVANY, PORFIX…


Sale, wholesale, retail, distribution of building materials, building materials, building materials: -cements, limes, mortar mixtures, mortar -ČESKOMORAVSKÝ CEMENT, CARMEUSE CZECH REPUBLlC, CEMENT HRANICE, BAUMIT, LB CEMIX, KVK Adhesive, RENOP CZ, QUICK-MIX, GYPSTREND -wall materials -WIENERBERGER, HELUZ brick industry TERMOBRIK, TONDACH, CIHELNA MALENOVICE, YTONG HRUŠOVANY,…


Sale, wholesale, retail, distribution of building materials, building materials, building materials: -cements, limes, mortar mixtures, mortar -ČESKOMORAVSKÝ CEMENT, CARMEUSE CZECH REPUBLlC, CEMENT HRANICE, BAUMIT, LB CEMIX, KVK Adhesive, RENOP CZ, QUICK-MIX, GYPSTREND -wall materials -WIENERBERGER, HELUZ brick industry TERMOBRIK, TONDACH, CIHELNA MALENOVICE, YTONG HRUŠOVANY,…


Sale, wholesale, retail, distribution of building materials, building materials, building materials: -cements, limes, mortar mixtures, mortar -ČESKOMORAVSKÝ CEMENT, CARMEUSE CZECH REPUBLlC, CEMENT HRANICE, BAUMIT, LB CEMIX, KVK Adhesive, RENOP CZ, QUICK-MIX, GYPSTREND -wall materials -WIENERBERGER, HELUZ brick industry TERMOBRIK, TONDACH, CIHELNA MALENOVICE, YTONG HRUŠOVANY,…

František Loužecký

Pila. Pilařská výroba: - stavební řezivo. Sušení řeziva. Impregnace řeziva. Stavební stolařství. Výroba palubek a podlah. Rozvoz výrobků po celé ČR. Ukončil činnost 02/2014.

STAEG, spol. s r.o.

Construction activity division: -construction activity, building, construction -construction of industrial and civil construction, transport construction, communications and engineering networks -transport and mechanization. Real Estate Management and Maintenance Division: -cleaning services, cleaning work -cleaning, cleaning interiors and exteriors buildings, areas in summer and…


GASTROCENTRUM: -jídelna -závodní stravování -výroba,výdej a distribuce jídla -stravovací zařízení s moderním velkokapacitním kuchyňským zařízením -rozvoz,dovoz hotových jídel -studená kuchyně -catering-nachystáme občerstvení pro obchodní jednání,podnikovou oslavu, konference,odborné semináře a jiné -samoobslužná kantýna. Forma platby: -hotovost -stravenky -EXIT GROUP …

Odhady nemovitostí-Ing.arch.Lukš

Design, engineering office: -design, designer, design work -architect -residential, civil construction, construction for business Forensic expert, expert opinions, opinion, valuer. Prices, price and estimates of real estate, appraisers. Transfers, real estate valuation, contracts, estimates.

HPM TEC, s.r.o.

The company holds a certificate ISO 9001 Wholesale, sale and distribution of fasteners: - turbo screws (TURBO-TEC window screws) - RAPI-TEC construction screws - RAPI-TEC 2010 screws - UNI-TEC screws screws for plastic windows (Drilling screws TEX, NADELSPITZ screws) - BSP screws - universal screws - PAN HEAD screws - screws for fittings - TOX anchoring technology - caps -…