HB izolace - Roman Bačík
Delivery, sale, assembly: - technical insulation - building material.
Delivery, sale, assembly: - technical insulation - building material.
Production: - garden furniture - gazebos - pergolas.
Craftsmanship: - all plumbing and heating - breakdowns, assembly, minor repairs and reconstruction - gas installation - plumbing. Non-stop water, heating, gas and waste service. Reconstruction: - bathrooms (including costing).
Installation of internal water distribution and sewage systems: - complete heating installation - underfloor heating - reconstruction of housing cores - installation, repair, revision of gas equipment.
Production - garden gazebos - pergolas - tailor-made furniture. Proposals and implementation - interiors and exteriors.
Zateplování - fasády Montáž - sádrokartony Stavby a rekonstrukce - rodinné domy
Construction - wooden buildings. Construction of wooden houses. Laying: - floating floors - ceramic tiles - interlocking tiles.
Painting works Electrical work Demolition work Plasterboard works Laying - tiling - paving stones Reconstruction - residential cores - bathroom masonry work - bathrooms Plumbing work.
Architectural works. Project activity in the construction industry.
Braun dry construction. Warming up - the GREEN SAVING project. Plasterboard works Flooring work - tiling - tiles Construction activity -soil constructions Masonry work.
Import, distribution: - high temperature insulating materials -different types of insulating materials - mats, boards, paper, modules, suctioned fittings, plastic material and loose wool from ceramic fiber. - heat-resistant insulation.
Carpentry production - pergolas - gazebos.
Projection and construction - building construction project documentation for building permits and construction implementation
Zpracování - dřevo Montáž - elektrická zařízení Montáž - hromosvody Opravy, zkoušky a revize - elektrická zařízení Poradenská a konzultační činnost Kovové konstrukce a výrobky Stavební činnost i speciální Stavební činnost i speciální - poradenská a konzultační činnost Kovové konstrukce a výrobky
Dodávka - žaluzie - sítě proti hmyzu - předokenní rolety včetně montáže Dodávka - silikonové těsnění Dodávka - shrnovací dveře Dodávka - markýzy
Complete construction work Construction - water management structures
Delivery - paint spray gun. Sale: - paints, varnishes and thinners for metals - sealants for metals Complete construction activity Delivery - blasting machines.
Interiéry Architektonický ateliér - urbanismus Projektová činnost ve výstavbě
STK motorcycles, cars, trucks and trailers up to 3.5t Lease - 3t and 5t containers Demolition work Earth and excavation works Turnkey buildings
Valuation of property, project activity in construction.
Waterproofing of terraces, flat roofs, balconies. Tiling work - floor leveling and sanding of floors - diamond wheel Reconstruction - houses.
Malby Sádrokartony Pokládka - obklady - dlažby Rekonstrukce - byty Zednické práce - fasády omítky -rekonstrukce koupelny