Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.

Petr Andrejs

The construction company Petr Andrejs, based in the Jičín district, has been engaged in complex construction activities since 2001. We operate throughout the entire territory of the Czech Republic, but the largest share is in the Hradec Králové region. Our company is registered in the List of Professional Suppliers (SOD). Based on this registration, we are authorized to implement projects…

DBC - AG, spol. s r. o.

Prodej: - tenkovrstvé omítkové pasty akrylátové, silikonové, silikátové, - mramorové akrylátové mozaikové omítky, kompletní pro zateplovací systémy - dekorační lišty pro interiéry a exteriéry. Materiály: - pro povrchové úpravy Realizace interiérů. Výmalby a dekorace povrchů Rekonstrukce staveb. Zateplením objektů a dalšími pracemi ve stavebnictví dle požadavků našich klientů.

Elzastav s.r.o.

Building materials: - masonry materials - thermal insulation - materials for roofs - construction lumber - tiling, paving - painting and varnishing supplies Scaffold rental. Sale: - pharmacy product - detergents - home remedies - stationery items - electro - electronics - tools - electric tools - protective equipment - fasteners - installation material -…

Lešení Nymburk s.r.o.

Our company offers facade or mobile scaffolding, tools, construction mechanization and garden equipment for rent. We have a large selection of garden equipment available - powerful mowers for maintenance of neglected plots, grass rider, mulching mower, brush cutters, stump grinder, soil drill, branch crusher. We are distributors of American garden equipment DR Power Equipment. We carry out…