Design work in building industry

Design activity in the construction industry include many sub-activities, which include preparation of project documentation, construction management, consulting, studies, analyses and last but not least, also ensuring of the authorized inspector and his supervision of the construction.

Leoš Chatrný

Project activity - development of construction project documentation for companies and private individuals -production halls, workshops, administrative buildings, apartment buildings, garages, cottages - atypical projects.


Savings houses: - made of wood, wooden construction, wooden constructions - turnkey family houses, rough constructions - low-energy wooden buildings and passive houses -objects for industry, sports and other sectors -wooden construction -plasterboards, insulation. -projects of family houses. Financing of construction, buildings Designs of gardens, gardens. Wooden houses. Brno…

PKS holding a.s.

The holder of management of quality system certificate according to CSN EN ISO 9001:2001. Managerial company: -assistance in a branch of organization -accounting services and counselling -tax services and counselling -legal service -trading and marketing activity -advertising services -development and investment programmes preparation -new business branches preparation -capital…


Designing activity: -civil constructions -administrative buildings -residential buildings -industrial constructions. Engineering activity: -deal with territorial decision and building licences -building engineering supervision -engineering solution opponency and variable solutions recommendation -technical counselling -technical expertises in a branch of ground constructions.


A sphere of commercial building and a sphere of housing construction are fundamental focusing of the company. In these activities the company provides investor projects realization from attractive lots prospecting to building turnkey supply. Investor activity: -preparation and realization of developer projects in a field of housing construction and commercial building -project management. …


Projekty, realizace a zásobování staveb: -ve stavebnictví od roku 1992 -zkušenosti, poradenství, kompletní služby. Autorizovaná firma v oboru: -pozemní stavby -uzemní plánování -interiérová tvorba -zahradní a krajinářská tvorba. Architektonická kancelář: -od studií přes stavební projekty až po interiéry -zahradní architektura -projednání na úřadech, stavební povolení -stavební dozory,…

Elektro v.m. s.r.o.

Setting up alarm devices assembly, repair, maintenance of dedicated electrical equipment and production of low voltage switchboards. Purchase of goods for resale and sale. Implementation of residential and civil constructions, implementation of industrial constructions, road motor transport, freight establishment. Installation, maintenance and service of unified telecommunications network…

Leoš Pohanka

Design work in the fields of: - heating - medical installation -gas -ventilation system -utilities -sewerage - water pipes -gas pipelines - residential buildings - civil buildings - residential buildings - civil buildings -buildings, additions, superstructures. Certificates of energy performance of buildings.

Gaslines s.r.o.

Realizace staveb, projekce, poradenství, inženýring, dotační management, příprava a vyhodnocení žádostí o dotace, organizace výběrových řízení. - technická infrastruktura a veškeré stavby pro města, obce, krajinu, zemědělství, průmysl, ekologii a vodní hospodářství: - vodovody, kanalizace, ČOV, vodojemy, zdroje vody, čerpací a tlakové stanice - plynovody všeho druhu, regulační stanice,…