Design work in building industry

Design activity in the construction industry include many sub-activities, which include preparation of project documentation, construction management, consulting, studies, analyses and last but not least, also ensuring of the authorized inspector and his supervision of the construction.

Ing. Helena Padyšáková

Services: We will process: architectural studies project documentation for the building permit securing documents and statements to st. authorization Green savings author's supervision during construction we offer: professionalism and expertise acquired through 20 years of experience personal approach sensitivity to the needs of the client taking over all the agenda related to…

Josef Novotný

Stavba - pergolyvýstavba - dřevostavby na klíč včetně projekce Truhlářské práce Zateplování fasád Projekce - dřevostavby Sádrokartonářské práce Pokládka - dřevěné obklady Výstavba, rekonstrukce - rodinné domy Zednické, štukatérské a omítkářské práce Výstavba - rovné střechy z EDTM kaučuku

Patrik Boguaj Ing.

Expert activity - real estate estimates - assessing the condition of building structures Engineering activity - technical supervision of buildings Project activity projection and application processing - I SAVE GREEN

Josef Mára

Pilařská výrobapořez kulatinyvýroba - trámy - fošny - střešní latě - prkna Restaurování - starožitný nábytek Výroba - repliky starožitného nábytku Projekce - rodinné domy - dřevostavby

Alena Hrušová - Stavby-projekce

Design activity, construction: -carpping work -insulation -plumbing work -Roofing work. Construction budgets and calculations Complete construction -construction work -new buildings -reconstruction. Activity of an authorized person in the field of civil engineering: -construction assessments -construction supervision -investors technical Supervision. Projection of a typical…