Design work in building industry

Design activity in the construction industry include many sub-activities, which include preparation of project documentation, construction management, consulting, studies, analyses and last but not least, also ensuring of the authorized inspector and his supervision of the construction.

Projekce, s.r.o.

Projekce oboru vodní a dopravní stavby: - úpravy toků, hrazení bystřin a strží - sanace svážných území - vodní nádrže, rybníky, mokřady, manipulační řády vodních děl - revitalizace vodních staveb - odvodnění - lesní a polní cesty - komunikace všech typů - zpevněné plochy, parkoviště, apod. - menší mosty a lávky - pasporty veškerých vodních a dopravních staveb -…

KARON, s.r.o

Stavby: - nízkoenergetické a pasivní domy. Projekce, poradenství a výstavba pasivních domů. Stavíme pasivní dřevostavby systémem NOVATOP, K-KONTROL, nebo pasiví domy zděné. Projekt pasivního domu vypracujeme včetně žádosti o dotaci Zelená úsporám. Pasivní domy dodáváme buď na klíč, nebo na dokončení - hobby stavbu. Projektujeme a provádíme rekonstrukce v pasivním standardu. Poskytujeme…


Construction company, turnkey constructions, reconstruction of historic buildings, garden houses -complete deliveries of constructions -residential and family houses -Classical, economical houses -assembled houses - family houses, residences, halls, gazebos, shipyards, garages (FORT system) -pensions, restaurants, hotels -replications of historic buildings -soil built-ins …


Activity, services: - elaboration of project documentation of building construction and interiors - practice of direct engineering investor activity - consulting service in the field of construction, trade and services - expert opinions for transfers, credits, mortgages - conveyance of real estate - market evaluation of property.

Ing. Miroslav Krajíček

Real estate agency, services: -intermediation of purchase and sale real estate - purchase, gift contracts, documents - securing a deposit in the real estate register. Expertise, services: -expert witness -real estate estimates (property transfers, estates) -market valuation of real estate - valuation of real estate for credit procedures - expert opinions - price economics and real…

Renov, spol. s r.o.

Building company. Construction activity, construction, building work: -constructions, turnkey construction -buildings-civil, residential, industrial -reconstruction, modernization -repairs-listed buildings (historical monuments) -ground work. Services: -engineering activity -construction supervision -processing of project documentation -execution-building permit, approval.…

MARKUSBERG spol s.r.o.

Traffic and civil engineering. Construction activity. Construction company. Complete construction of engineering networks, roads, paved areas, sidewalks, stops, etc. Sales of building materials, building materials. Construction work: -repairs of potholes and roads, faults on the road -reconstruction of paved roads area -construction and reconstruction of sewers (sewers) -construction…

ZESS, a.s.

Construction company. Design, construction, reconstruction: - civil construction - industrial objects - family houses on a turnkey basis -utilities - reconstruction of residential cores - insulation of buildings and facades -soil constructions.