Design work in building industry

Design activity in the construction industry include many sub-activities, which include preparation of project documentation, construction management, consulting, studies, analyses and last but not least, also ensuring of the authorized inspector and his supervision of the construction.

EUROTOP, spol. s r.o.

Dodavatel stavebních a montážních prací - topení, voda, plyn, kanalizace, elektro, vzduchotechnika, provoz kotelny, komplexní technický servis budov, správa, údržba, revize. Zajišťujeme projekční práce, rekonstrukce a poradenství.

Universtav s.r.o.

Stavební firma. Fasády. Průmyslové podlahy. Projektování průmyslových a občanských staveb. Jednoduché stavby. Občanské stavby. Pozemní stavby. Průmyslová a bytová výstavba na klíč. Průmyslové stavby. Rodinné domky na klíč. Stavební montážní součástky: -ocelové a z nerezové oceli. Nátěry fasád. Opravy fasád. Průmyslové demoliční práce. Rekonstrukce budov.

T P F s.r.o.

Proposals - Projects - Calculations - Assessments - Inspections - Consultations - Software in the area of windows, doors and facades. Consultation, projection, engineering activity: - lightweight peripheral casings - facade construction - windows, doors - static assessments and calculations of glasses - thermal and humidity analyses, calculations and assessments Exclusive software…

ANTA spol.s r.o.

The ANTA project studio deals with comprehensive project preparation new buildings, reconstructions and repairs civil and residential buildings and projects interiors. The studio consists of: - architects - designers of construction professions - designers. Other professions are provided in the form of cooperation with permanent external collaborators. The studio provides…

AGA - Letiště, s.r.o.

Project office of the airport, transport, land and engineering constructions. Project office AGA-Letiště, s.r.o. deals with the provision of the following services in particular: - project (studies, spatial planning documentation, documentation for zoning management, construction management, contractor selection and construction implementation, author supervision) - authorization -…

Štěpán s.r.o.

Construction company - reconstruction of apartments and buildings - repairs to housing cores - project works - construction of family houses - cleaning of facades - heating works - plumbing work - plasterboard works - plumbing and roofing work - electrical work - joinery and carpentry work

Hansa Interier s.r.o.

Engineering - design and realization of buildings. Pre-project and project preparation of the building, securing building permits, technical supervision of the investor, securing approval decisions.


Generální projektant. Zpracování projektové dokumentace pro výstavbu: - administrativních budov - nemocnic a zdravotnických zařízení - letišť - vojenských objektů - budov pro vzdělávání a kulturu - dálniční a silniční sítě - městských komunikací - dopravní vybavenosti - mostních objektů a lávek pro pěší - vodních děl.


The company was established in 2000 through the transformation of the original construction company successfully operating on the market since 1993. The main content of our activity is the preparation and implementation of small and medium-sized development projects together with the design and construction of single-family houses. Our company provides comprehensive services. We offer our…

Prodesi v.o.s

Architectural and design office focused on individual and modern wooden buildings - domesi. Complete service: - architectural studies - all levels of project documentation - engineering activity - realization of constructions - approval - interior designs - urbanism - design - physical models - 3D visualization - projects of specialized professions - project management …