
Are you going to build a chimney for a wood stove, a chimney for a residential house, with izostatickou liner, with a stainless steel liner or chimney for condensing boiler? In addition to the chimney, and his professional installation invest even to supplements – into the penetrations, flues, regulators, stroke and alike.

IZOMAT stavebniny s.r.o.

Retail, sale, construction bazaar, bazaar: -building, building materials: -plasterboard, insulation materials, bricks, cement, sealants -tool. We will arrange DELIVERY. Rental: -construction technology: -vibration plates -compressors -saws -trolleys. Mechanization: -ground and excavation work: -excavations, excavations, loading, transport -crane work.

REKOM - ŘÍHA, s.r.o.

Complex construction and restoration of chimney systems: - traditional chimney making -inserting chimneys -construction of new chimneys - facade systems -milling of chimneys -revision with an industrial camera - flue gas measurement - approval.


Our company strives to provide such services so that the client can choose from several options and solutions that are on the construction market. We leave the choice of product brand to the client. However, if you do not know the advice, we will be happy to help you with the selection of materials and the most suitable technology. Wholesale, retail, sale: -building -dry plaster mixtures …

Montáže inženýrských sítí spol. s r.o.

FULL SERVICE SUPPLIER IN THE AREAS: -construction, maintenance and reconstruction of NTL, STL, VTL of gas pipelines including connections and other gas facilities - operation of water pipes, sewers and WWTP for public use - construction of water pipes, sewers and sewage treatment plants -construction of steam pipes and hot pipes -supply and reconstruction of plumbing, waste…

Mlénský, s.r.o.

Wholesale, retail, sales: -plasterboards (plasterboards, gypsum fiberboards, dry floors, profiles, sealants, aquapanel) - insulation systems (facades, attics, floors) - cassette ceilings -paints (for interior use, special paints, decorative paints, facade paints, penetrating paints, toning paints, multicolor, on-site color toning) - mortar mixtures (hand and machine mortars, stucco, masonry…


The company is holder of the certificate ISO 9001:2001. Work at heights: -using climbing access equipment -used where scaffolding construction is uneconomic or technically difficult. Facades: -facelift, face lift, check, insulation, window cleaning and cleaning the inaccessible facades by means of high-pressure cleaners KARCHER -eye-catcher and advertising installation -bird-guard…

První Kominická spol.s r.o.

Výroba, prodej, montáž. Kominické práce a služby. Měření emisí malých zdrojů dle zák. 86/2002 Sb. Technické poradenství: - návrh řešení kouřových, spalinových cest. Montáž: - nafukovací pryskyřičné vložky - kovové komínové vložky - vícevrstvé kovové komíny. - FURANFLEX Revize, periodické prohlídky, kontroly, kolaudace: - kouřové cesty i …


Production, sale, assembly: -elemental chimneys made of stainless steel -chimney parts made of stainless steel, suitable for all types of fuel -chimney liners, flues (typ.KAMINOPLAN) KAMINOTHERM chimney systems for residential houses and industry: -three-layer facade chimneys -free chimneys -fireplace smoke extraction -pressure chimneys Chimney advice and consultation.

PROHEAT s.r.o.

PROHEAT s.r.o. offers: - installation of heating, sanitation and gas - gas revision - installation of boiler rooms and heat exchanger stations - management and operation of boiler rooms - installation of water meters - projection and consultancy - wholesale and retail heating, water, gas - sale of boilers and gas appliances - construction work - chimney sweep.

TOPSYS Praha spol. s r.o.

Stavíme teplovzdušné krby i teplovodní krby tzv. na klíč po celé ČR. Realizujeme různé styly krbů. Jedná se o krby moderní, rustikální, stylové, designové, centrální závěsné. Používáme kvalitní litinové nebo ocelové krbové vložky Seguin Duteriéz, Axis. Stavíme třísložkové nerezové komíny. Dodáváme litinová krbová kamna s externím přívodem vzduchu. Prodáváme krby na bioethanol, krby bez komínů…

Ladislav Staníček - revize komínů

Chimney sweep Ladislav Staníček from Veverská Bítýška deals with the inspection and cleaning of chimneys. We also provide milling, lining and reconstruction of chimneys, including their revision. One of the activities of our chimney sweeping is milling and subsequent lining of chimneys. Thanks to milling, the chimney flue is increased and lining ensures the tightness and fire safety of the…

Kominictví - Jiří Kytlica

Kominictví: -veškeré kominické práce -vložkování, revize a kolaudace komínů nerez materiálem (certifikování) -čištění komínů, kotlů, kouřovodů a spotřebičů -autorizované měření spotřebičů na plynná a tuhá paliva dle zákona 86/02 Sb. -kontrola kouřových cest -vystavení protokolu -revize ke stavebnímu povolení, předběžné, konečné a kolaudační pro domy a chaty. Další…