Buildings, Structures

In the field of construction, you can take advantage of activities, such as earthmoving and excavation works, construction of drainage, utilities, houses, water supply, commercial and industrial buildings, remediation of soils, or also the implementation of transport infrastructure.

Marek Dubina

Painting - rooms Insulation work - all insulation - including vapor barriers - sound and thermal insulation - insulation of walls and facades Delivery and installation - plasterboards - plasterboard and mineral suspended ceilings (suspended ceilings) - plasterboard partitions - projecting walls Complete remodeling of interiors - floating floors -…


Carpentry work construction - pergolas - garden houses production and sale of plumbing elements and their assembly Roofing work Installation of all types of roofing (burnt, concrete, metal, shingles, modified strips) - roof windows Sale all types of roofing, lumber, accessories and tools for roofers and tinsmiths Sale - fasteners

Milan Piskáček

Prodej a montáž - garážová vrata Tesařské práce Elektroinstalační práce Prodej a montáž - žaluzie Prodej a montáž - plastová okna REHAU Veškerí stavební práce - rekonstrukce domy Zednické práce Pokrývačské práce

Milan Římal

Výroba - altány Truhlářské práce - výroba z masivu Výroba - vnitřní a vchodové dveře - eurooknavýroba a montáž - špaletová a rámová okna (dle původních oken) Výroba - schodiště Montáž - plovoucí podlahy

Milan Šindelek

Dodávka - domovní čističky odpadních vod Instalace - topení Dodávka a montáž - centrální vysavače Dodávka - bazény Dodávka a montáž - přečerpávací jímky - čerpadla - vodárny Servis - čerpadla - vodárny Dodávka - šachty - nádrže Montáž - závlahové systémy

Miloslav Slanina

Carpentry work Construction - windows according to the customer's wishes - facade windows Dry constructions (plasterboards) Building - family houses Masonry work - fences - complex work on the construction of family houses - construction of family houses - dry constructions (soil constructions) Plumbing work Roofing work Construction …

Miroslav Brabec

Sales and assembly - magnetic water treatment plants preventing the formation of limescale Assembly, repairs, reconstruction and revision - electrical distribution Gas installation (including project documentation) Construction - heating (including project documentation) Exchange - boiler Masonry work Exchange - boilers cleaning - sewerage with an electric pen …