Ing. Michal Rybáček
Project activity in the construction industry
Project activity in the construction industry
The main activities of my activity are design of buildings and creation of project documentation for new buildings of houses, residential and public buildings. I also design reconstructions, attic installations and projects for demolition of buildings. I design interiors and small architecture. I create architectural studies. I measure the current state of buildings and create a building passport.
Zasklení - střešní okna Dodávka a montáž - světlovody Instalace - hromosvody Zdění - komíny Dodávka a montáž - žaluzie - rolety - doplňky pro střešní okna Montáž - tepelné izolace Montáž - sádrokarton Montáž, výroba - fasádyopravy - zdi - omíky Klempířské práce - pravidelná i…
Výroba: - manipulační technika - zahradní technika - historické komínové hlavice.
Realitní činnost Realitní činnost Developerská činnost
Real estate and business activity. Export of construction works and investment units. Engineering activity.
Engineering activity Architectural activity Design activity - buildings Buildings
Project Office: - construction projection - project work in construction - projections, family house projects.
Engineering activities in capital construction, specializing in water management structures and technical infrastructure in residential and industrial construction
Services: -project works -construction supervision
Sale - lumber Production - lumber
Work: - reconstruction of family houses and apartments -reconstruction of apartment and bathroom cores
Construction, construction: - civil buildings - industrial buildings - engineering constructions -transportation construction -demolition.
Elaboration - certificates of energy performance of buildings according to 78/2013 Coll. - energy audits and energy assessments pursuant to 480/2012 Coll. - inspections of boilers and thermal energy distribution according to 194/2013 Coll. - inspections of air conditioning systems according to 193/2013 Coll.
Inženýrské služby v oblasti výstavby Projektové služby v oblasti výstavby
Engineering activities, including technical advice - construction and author's supervision - Green savings Architectural activities, including technical advice - designs and projects of family houses, settings, built-ins, establishments, building modifications -ing.activity -studies
Advice, consultation - at work - legal relationships Budgets and calculation of the prices of construction works
Design, engineering and consulting activities: - transportation construction.
Natěračské práce Malířské práce Truhlářské práce Provedení - obklady - dlažby - podlahy Stavba - rodinné domy na klíč - rekonstrukce domů - veškeré stavební práce Zednické práce
Oplocení Projektové služby - dopravní projekce Zemní práce Chodníky - silnice - vlečky
Activity: - construction projection - project work in construction.