Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.

Jiří Prokop - Instalatérství

Plumbing Jiří Prokop carries out complete plumbing and heating work. We offer delivery and installation of water, sewer, gas and heating. We also focus on bathroom renovation and we will provide you with minor construction work, including the reconstruction of houses or flats. We realize distribution of plastic, copper, steel, pex and alpex pipes, we also install heat pumps, air conditioning,…

Centrum evropského projektování a.s.

The company Centrum Evropské projektování a.s. is a provider of advisory, consulting and training services in the field of EU subsidies, public procurement, project management and design activities. Since 2007, our company has been a reliable and respected partner on the way to your goals. We offer consulting, organizational and expert services associated with the preparation, implementation…

Jiří Piňos

Jiří Piňos based in Třemošná is engaged in the implementation of industrial floors, facades, plasters, insulation and construction work. We provide: - concrete screeds, reinforced concrete, anhydrite floors,   industrial concrete floors, cast floors, epoxy   floors, antistatic trowels, floors for family houses,   garages, warehouses, cellars, halls and industrial buildings - machine…

Klempířství Jindrák

Klempířství Radek Jindrák offers complete roofing, plumbing and carpentry work, implementation of new roofs and reconstruction of older roofs. Our other services include work with an assembly platform with a range of 18 and 30 meters. We carry out orders in Jablonec, Liberec, but also in the whole of Eastern Bohemia. Work performed by us: - plumbing - roofing - carpentry related to the…

N.K. STAV Brno a.s.

Construction company. Work: - ordinary construction work, masonry, crafts - Construction work - insulation systems including cladding, plinths and gutters sidewalks, facade insulation - tiling - tiling, paving. Construction, construction: - family houses, houses. The company is included in the list of certified construction companies for the insulation of buildings within the…

MJvodotopo s.r.o.

Pokud hledáte spolehlivou a kvalitní firmu, která se postará o vaše rozvody vody, topení, plynu a kanalizace, pak je MJvodotopo s.r.o. tou pravou volbou. MJvodotopo s.r.o. je zkušená a profesionální firma, která nabízí širokou škálu služeb v oblasti instalatérství a topenářství. Ať už potřebujete generální opravu, rekonstrukci, montáž nebo čištění vašich rozvodů, zajistíme vám rychlé a…

Artes Milan Žák

The Artes company has been successfully operating in the village of Sedliště since 1998. From the very beginning, we have been building on precise, honest work right around Frýdek-Místek and in many other villages in the Beskydy foothills and the wider area. we would not order ourselves, and on the contrary we strive to leave behind quality results with a long service life. It doesn't matter if…

Pila Velká Bukovina - Agro MP, s.r.o.

Sawmill and wood drying plant in the village of Velká Bukovina deals with cutting wood on band saws and drying wood. We use our own band saws and sweepers with accessories. We own two large-capacity dryers equipped with automation and IPPC certification - maximum operating temperature 75 °. Production: - joinery lumber - construction lumber. Services: - log cut - wood drying. …

Bohumil Horvát

Bohumil Horvát se sídlem v Chrudimi je spolehlivá a kvalitní firma, která nabízí širokou škálu služeb v oblasti stavebnictví. Ať už potřebujete položit zámkovou dlažbu, postavit základovou desku, provést zednické práce, zbourat starou stavbu nebo vykopat základ, můžete se obrátit na tuto firmu s dlouholetou tradicí a zkušenostmi. Zajistí vám profesionální a rychlé provedení vaší zakázky za…

Stavební firma Stodola - Herálec - Jiří Stodola

The construction company Stodola performs all construction work. Among other things, we provide turnkey house construction, reconstruction and rebuilding, insulation and insulation work, tiling work, carpentry, roofing and plumbing work, installation of doors and windows. We have several different construction machines that we use at work. According to the agreement, we can arrange the removal of…

Dřevostavby Sittek, s.r.o.

Dřevostavby Sittek, s.r.o. company specializes in wooden buildings in the Moravian-Silesian region, especially in the vicinity of Bohumín. Construction, construction: - wooden buildings - ecological buildings - energy-saving houses, family houses. Since 1997, we have been implementing orders for wooden constructions of family houses, low-energy houses, passive residential houses and…

eSVe Stav s.r.o.

The company eSVe Stav s.r.o. specializes in the complete revitalization of houses and public buildings. We have many years of experience in the field and we have implemented over 300 events, over 250,000 m2 of insulated facades, over 2,000 balconies and loggias and many other orders. Our portfolio of services therefore includes insulation of apartment and panel houses, facades, roofs,…

EuroGiga, s.r.o.

Společnost EuroGiga, s.r.o. je dynamicky se rozvíjející společnost, která se specializuje na instalaci tepelných čerpadel, fotovoltaických elektráren a další elektroinstalační práce. Naším cílem je nabídnout vám nejlepší možnou službu a zvýšit vaši energetickou účinnost a úsporu. Máme dlouholeté zkušenosti a odborné znalosti v oblasti elektroinstalací a energetiky. Náš tým tvoří kvalifikovaní…

Gips Interier, v.o.s. - suchá výstavba

We specialize in dry plasterboard construction and building renovations. We install plasterboard systems. We carry out reconstruction of attic spaces and apartment cores and other small construction works. Dry construction is a modern and simple solution for the interiors of new buildings and renovations. Plasterboard is currently the fastest and easiest solution for so-called dry…

Sklenářství Brno - Ivan Němec

Glazier work, glazier: -glazing of windows, window, window, door, door, shop window -production of mirrors, mirrors, grinding, drilling - safety glass - production of insulating double-glazed windows, glazing in the workshop and at the customer's place - production of aquariums and terrariums according to the wishes and requirements of the customer -grinding, drilling, facets and other…

Stavební práce Petr Borkesz

Stavební práce Petr Borkesz je firma, která se zabývá všemi druhy stavebních prací, od výstavby rodinných domů na klíč po rekonstrukce koupelen, fasád a tepelných izolací. Naše firma se specializuje na malé a střední zakázky, kde můžeme uplatnit naše dlouholeté zkušenosti a odbornost v oboru zednických a obkladačských prací. Naše firma má také mezinárodní zkušenosti, neboť v letech 1991-1997…

Open RE-ECO., s.r.o.

OPEN RE-ECO. s.r.o. builds on the long-term experience of the construction company OPEN terra, which has always taken into account the face of our region. We specialize in all types of mechanized earthworks, construction, reconstruction, modernization and repair of utilities and roads. In the implementation of all our projects, we place great emphasis not only on the first-class quality of the…

Služby města Cvikova s.r.o.

The main activity of the Technical Services of the City of Zwickau is the administration and year-round maintenance of the city. We take care of the maintenance of roads and sidewalks and their cleaning and winter maintenance. Our other activities include the removal of faeces, cleaning of sewer connections, removal of debris and other waste. We also provide all high-altitude work for the city,…

Roman Schwank - trubkové lešení

The tradition of our family business dates back to 1995. We always pay attention to the highest quality of services provided by professionally trained employees. We mainly install facade, but also the installation of scaffolding in less traditional places. These are, for example, the interiors of churches, castles, museums, residences of ambassadors, theater passages, etc.

Perfect lešení

Roman Čech - Perfect scaffolding deals with a complete scaffolding service. We offer everything from focus through price offer to implementation. We will lend you or rent scaffolding. Thanks to the easy installation of the scaffolding, you can start the reconstruction of the perimeter cladding almost immediately. We bring the scaffolding, assemble it and, after completing all the work, dismantle…