Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.

APsimko cz s.r.o.

Tepelná čerpadla Pardubice - servis tepelných čerpadel - dodávka a montáž - solární systémy - ventilátorové přístroje - rekuperace Montáž, prodej: - tepelná čerpadla - bezobslužné kotelny na tuhá paliva - podlahové vytápěníí - projekty úspor včetně posouzení návratnosti - solární kolektory. firma v konkurzu

SVYS s.r.o.

Construction activity - construction - assembly - repairs - - rehabilitation of concrete - work at heights, building maintenance - maintenance of chimneys, factory and residential High-rise works Náchod

PZ MONT, s.r.o.

Installation, repair, revision and testing of gas equipment and filling of containers with gases. Installation, repair, revision and testing of pressure equipment and gas containers. Locksmithery Project activity under construction. Construction, alteration and removal. Plumbing, heating. Investment engineering activity. Production and assembly of steel structures Welding and assembly…

REHAK TZB s. r. o.

Montáže, realizace: - Kanalizace, voda (plasty, pozink) - Plyn (pasty, měď, ocel) - Topení (kotelny plyn, LTO, PB, solární energie, tepelná čerpadla) - Technologické rozvody (vzduch, argon, …) - Izolace potrubních rozvodů (ÚT, chlazení) - Klempířské práce na izolace rozvodů - Průmyslové plynovody - Vnitřní instalace plynu a plynové kotelny bez omezení výkonu -Vnitřní rozvody…

Adestav s.r.o.

Činnost: - kompletní dodávky staveb - půdní vestavby bytů, kanceláří - rekonstrukce bytových jader - rekonstrukce nebytových prostor - zednické a obkladačské práce - malýřské a lakýrnické práce - dodávkou a montáží SDK konstrukcí a kazetových podhledů - elektoinstalční práce - vodoinstalatérské a topenářské práce - dřevěné i laminové plovoucí podlahy - dodávka a montáž …

PAMA Poděbrady s.r.o. - Stavební firma Pama Poděbrady

Construction company based in Poděbrady, offers construction, design, trucking, earthworks. Our construction company deals with the construction and reconstruction of houses, apartments, apartment buildings and industrial buildings. We perform all construction work, insulation, facades, lofts, earthworks, interlocking paving, demolition work, fences and wooden buildings. We provide complete…


We are an online store specialized in dry construction with many years of experience in this field. You will find all the necessary material here - profiles, sealants, fasteners, plasterboard and other accessories. We also have a large quantity of facade polystyrene and paints in stock. We only work with leading manufacturers for dry construction, who are proven by their quality and system. …

Petr Lacourt

Construction company: - family houses - complete construction solution - civil buildings - facades - insulated facades - insulation of roofs and floors - plasters - tiling works - paving stones - bathrooms, toilets - all plasterboard work - flat reconstruction - reconstruction of housing cores - all reconstructions and modifications of buildings - bricklaying during…

MT-STOFI s.r.o.

Construction activity: - civil, residential and industrial construction Comprehensive services in the field of construction, including "turnkey" construction with an individual approach to the customer. Reality: - mediation in the sale, purchase and rental of all types of real estate. Shipping: - forwarding company, freight transport, international truck transport.