Massage studios

Relax in the classic, thai, sports, lymphatic massage or during the massage cupping in one of the best massage parlors. Massage studio offers physiotherapy and relaxing treatments, but also small snacks and facilities for relaxation.

Bouda Máma wellness hotel

The company SUPER SPORT spol. s r.o. operates the accommodation and wellness facility Bouda Máma wellness hotel, which offers comfortable accommodation for even the most demanding customers in the newly built part of a four-star hotel. The newer part of the building is connected to the original part of the hotel and restaurant, so guests do not have to go outside while using all the services. …

Romana Dolejší - Angelsalon

Služby: -masáže: -klasická (částečná, relax.masáž celého těla ) -manuální lymfodrenáž (zábaly-celulitida či otoky) -hot stones, harmonizace čaker -meditační masáž hlavy(shia-tsu, Bowen, Reiki, ...) -zábaly (čokoláda, angel, detox) -peeling (máta, káva) -kosmetické služby BASIC -úprava obočí, barvení řas a obočí -depilace, peeling, digitopresura -vaporizér (napářka s…

Lenka Kolembářová

Services: - rhb - sports and reconditioning massages - vacupress - instrumental lifting - cinnamon wraps - reflex massage - cupping - moxibustion - warm-up wraps - paraffin wraps - manual lymphatic drainage - light therapy with BIO lamp - lava stones - autogenous training - breathing techniques - balling - mobilization - electrotherapy - automatic drawing - harmonization of…

Petra Vítková

Služby: -masážní a nehtové studio -sportovní masáž, rekondiční masáž, čokoládová masáž, Lomi Lomi. -manikúra a pedikúra v Třebíči, úprava nehtů, modeláž nehtů, parafínové zábaly, P-shine manikúra.

Vladimír Hartinger

Massages, wraps, therapy, body rituals. Full body care. Wellness massages Brno. - classic, regenerative, relaxing, reconditioning or sports massage - massages of the back, neck, hands, feet, head, face, abdomen, chest, feet (flats), palms, general (whole body) - relaxing aromatherapy oil massage - oriental hemp massage - massage with lava stones - Fiji Rituals - Fiji Ritual - Sugar…

Tomáš Dvořák

Retraining courses Masseur, Cosmetic services, Manicure, Pedicure Qualification exams. We hold authorizations from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic for the recognition of these professional qualifications. Massage courses, ultrasound liposuction, cavitation, ultrasound liposuction, ultraliposuction - classic Swedish massage - Hawaiian LOMI LOMI -…

Jiří Minarčík

Services: -Thai massage combines stretching when using yoga, muscle massage and joint exercises -Swedish massage -reflexive foot massage -massage of the head, back and shoulders -massage aroma therapies -fruit treatment -salt treatment -coconut treatment.

Čestmír Štork - RATIMA

Služby: -dezinfekce, dezinsekce(desinsekce), deratizace -hubení mikroorganismů, bakterií -hubení hlodavců (myši, potkani, krysy aj.) -hubení, zásahy proti obtížnému hmyzu (mravenci, švábi, mouchy aj.) -likvidace vosích a sršních hnízd (vosy, sršně) -zneškodňování - cizorodé mikroorganismy, plísně, houby. Úklidové práce, vyklízení: -sklepy, půdy. Masáže, masérské služby: -klasické,…