Manicure and pedicure

Proper nail care includes a regular manicure and pedicure. You can use a classic manicure, French manicure, nail shaping gel method or simply rhinestones decoration, painting or decals. Pedicure is the most commonly dry, wet or combined.

Hana Fabianová

Almost painless hair removal with wax or sugar paste - eyelash extension by gluing eyelash to eyelash Sale - products and tools from the NAILSERVICE brand Classic and medical pedicure (women's, men's) - foot bath - wet pedicure - removal of corns, calluses, calloused skin, nail treatment - treatment of ingrown nails - dry pedicure - a method for…

Dana Patřičná

Kosmetické služby - celkové ošetření pleti - masáže obličeje a dekoltu - úpravy a barvení řas a obočí, - mikromasáže očního okolí - kolagenové masky - depilace Manikúra - pedikúra - parafínové zábaly - základní ošetření - relaxační masáže - zábaly nohou a rukou