
Everyone wants to somehow improve his visage. Therefore, it is the cosmetics, which includes many different services and treatments. Skin treatment, makeup, facial massage, whether professional or personal, cosmetics is the basis for any beautification.

Iveta Golová

Kosmetika - formování, barvení obočí a řas - masáž obličeje a dekoltu - čištění pleti - pleťové masky - denní a svatební líčení - depilace obličeje, nohou a rukou - ošetření kosmetikou CHRISTINA - procedura SILK je založena na aplikaci hedvábných vláken do pokožky Nehtové studio - manikúra - parafínové zábaly rukou -…

Romana Slaninová - Zen studio

Services - massages (classic, healing, luxurious, lymphatic, exotic...) - wellness procedures (galvanic iron, vacupress...... - traditional Chinese medicine, phytotherapy (cupping, moxa, ...) - cosmetics (eyelash extensions, permanent make-up...) - nail modeling E-shop - magnetic aids and jewelry to relieve pain - herbal products - magnetic bandages - cosmetics