Utility motor vehicles

Vans, flatbeds and smaller trucks and other commercial vehicles, it is possible to make use of to move, to transport cargo but also to a trip with friends. Motor commercial vehicles is possible even at a certain time rent, both short and long term.

Auto-Poly spol. s r.o. - Autosalon Praha

The company Auto - Poly spol. s r.o. acts as an authorized dealer of Škoda and Volkswagen cars. We focus on the sale of new Škoda cars and the sale of Volkswagen commercial vehicles. We also offer service, warranty and post-warranty repairs of cars. Motor show, sale, services:  - authorized dealer of ŠKODA, VW  - ŠKODA cars: CITIGOE IV, FABIA, SCALA, OCTAVIA, KAMIQ, ...  - VW Commercial…

Truck In s.r.o.

Truck In s.r.o. je společnost, která se zabývá prodejem, výkupem a dovozem nákladních vozidel a techniky. Sídlo má v Praze 9, kde disponuje rozsáhlým autobazarem s nabídkou různých typů a kategorií nákladních aut, přívěsů či návěsů. Mezi její služby patří také komisní prodej, protiúčet a dovoz nákladních vozů na objednávku. Truck In s.r.o. je spolehlivý partner pro každého, kdo hledá kvalitní…


Rental of vans and minibuses Prague 4 We offer a wide range of commercial vehicles up to 3.5 tons and minibuses, which will allow you to solve the problem of transporting people, goods, things or furniture throughout the Czech Republic and Europe. Our long-term goal is to provide the best service and rent quality supplies at attractive prices.

Czech rental & Co. s.r.o.

Short-term and long-term rental of cars and commercial vehicles. We rent minibuses, middle-class cars and cars with automatic transmission. We work NONSTOP. We will immediately deliver the car in Brno, Olomouc, Zlín and Uherské Hradiště. We will deliver the car to Brno Airport free of charge, for an additional fee at the Airports in Prague, Ostrava and Vienna.

Jiří Papoušek

Servis, montáž a opravy - seřizování benzinových a naftových motorů na testerech BOSCH pro dodávkové automobily - periodické prohlídky - testování brzd a tlumičů - seřizování geometrie - doplňky a autopříslušenství Servis, montáž a opravy - všechny značky osobních automobilů - seřizování benzinových a naftových motorů na testerech BOSCH pro osobní automobily …

AMB servis s.r.o.

Car service, tire service, motor service, speed service in Prague 4. Receiving repairs without any order, repairs within 10 hours of delivery of the car! We provide service and all common repairs of cars and commercial vehicles of all known brands. Post-warranty repairs, sale of original parts,  - the installation of towing equipment,  - air-conditioning maintenance and service,  -…