AV AUTOSERVIS Veselý - Jaroslav Veselý
AV AUTOSERVIS Veselý focuses on repairs and diagnostics of passenger vehicles of all brands, preparation of cars for MOT and emissions measurement and tire replacement, including balancing.
AV AUTOSERVIS Veselý focuses on repairs and diagnostics of passenger vehicles of all brands, preparation of cars for MOT and emissions measurement and tire replacement, including balancing.
Hledáte spolehlivou a kvalitní autodílnu, která se postará o váš vůz od A do Z? Pak jste na správném místě! Autodílna MIKI AUTO okres Jihlava nabízí širokou škálu služeb pro osobní i užitkové automobily, včetně odtahové služby a pneuservisu. Ať už potřebujete připravit auto na STK, vyměnit rozvody, náplně nebo klimatizaci, nebo opravit karoserii, máme pro vás řešení. Používáme moderní…
Import and sale of cars from Germany and Austria. We provide the most advantageous vehicle insurance from all insurance companies on the market. Possibility of commission sales. Redemption for Cash. We offer complete services Car service and Chiptuning.
Dovolte nám představit firmu CSNV s.r.o., která nabízí svým zákazníkům širokou škálu služeb. CSNV s.r.o. je dynamická firma z Nové Vsi u Chotěboře, která poskytuje širokou škálu služeb pro osobní, nákladní, zemědělské a stavební stroje. Nabízí profesionální pneuservis a autoservis, čímž zajišťuje maximální provozuschopnost vašich strojů a vozidel. Kromě toho zajišťuje prodej a rozvoz písků…
Service, sale: -tire service -new and used tires -gluing of autofoils -sale of car batteries -sale of car accessories -pneus expert - insurance.
Tire service, car service: - tire replacement + balancing - tires in stock - repair of vehicles of all brands - mechanical work non-stop - body work - painting work - minor fixes while you wait Nonstop.
Services: -tire service -car service -Towing service -autoservis - mechanical, body and paint work, diagnostics -tire service - retreading, tire repairs, sales -geometry of axles and toe-in of wheels NON STOP towing service, assistance service Sales of new and used cars Installation of car windows, towing and security devices Other services
Retail, services: - new, retreaded tires - MOTORCYCLE, personal, van, cargo, agricultural -repairs of inner tubes, tires, rubber and artificial goods (wellies, fishing pants, swimming pools, inflatable boats, exercise balls, etc.) - service and tire service.
Services: -car service -tire service. Repairs, servicing of vehicles.
The company Josef Wagner - Pneubazar U Nás offers sale of new and new tires at bargain prices, we also operate a tire service, car service and our services include nonstop towing vehicles. Our establishment can be found by the road between Velký Beranov and Nové Domky, Jihlava district. Pneubazar, sale: - new tires - used tires - slightly worn tires - new tires - purchase of new and…
Services, retail: - tire service - autoserivs - Pneubazar - purchase of tires, discs.
Služby: -autoservis -pneuservis -půjčovna automobilů -NON STOP odtahová služba -výkup vozidel
Autoservis, pneuservis, odtahová služba, povrchová úprava disků, bazar. Internetový obchod, prodej, e-shop. Pneumatiky: -letní -zimní -celoroční. Disky: -plechové -lité.
Service: - freight - bus Shipping: - domestic, international truck transport (extraction) - international transport of piece consignments mediation of container transport - gas station - tire service - sale of spare parts
Services: -repairs of motor vehicles -tire service -service of cars and small vans of all brands -sale of tires -gluing car windows -assembly of towing device -assembly of security device
Sales of small tractors and tire service. Garden tractors are Japanese. Possibility to buy other agricultural machinery, such as plows, rotavators. Quick action.
Auto Stojčín s.r.o. provozuje autoservis pro osobní a užitková vozidla a zaměřuje se na výměnu a prodej různých druhů pneumatik.
Jan Zeman provozuje autoservis, pneuservis a zaměřuje se na opravy osobních užitkových vozidel a prodej pneumatik.
Vladimír Jaša se zaměřuje na servis a opravy osobních a užitkových automobilů, přípravu na STK, plnění klimatizací a výměnu pneumatik.
Miloslav Petr provozuje autoservis, pneuservis, provádí mechanické a karosářské práce, servis klimatizace, diagnostiku vozidel, přípravu na STK a mnoho dalšího.
Pavel Vrbicky s.r.o. focuses on car repair and service, tire service, installation of towing equipment, emissions measurement and accommodation not only for service customers.
The company HYUNDAI – Fischer CZ s.r.o. officially opened on September 3, 2012 the largest HYUNDAI car showroom in the Czech Republic with a sales area of more than 650 m2. The dealership, built in a record short time, was the first to receive the designation HYUNDAI Exclusive Partner. Our company is committed to providing all owners of vehicles of this brand with completely unique services at…
Services: - crane works - haulage - earthworks - transportation of machines - tire service.