Spare parts and car accessories

Buy all the necessary spare parts or accessories for your automobile. Bumpers, headlights, tires, brake systems, pins management, fuel pumps, filters, cooling and dampers in a rich range of suppliers of original and non-original parts.

BREN s.r.o.

Sale: -components and their spare parts from Meritor HVS (formerly ROR Rockwell). Spare parts for sale: -Meritor drive axles (formerly Rockwell Automotive) for tractors and buses. Sales of plastic parts JONESCO Ltd.: -plastic fenders -plastic cabinets for fire extinguishers (approved for ADR). -DANA axles (EATON Spicer) -spare axle parts DANA.

ČESOMOT, spol. s r.o.

Prodej: -náhradní díly na automobily: -díly řízení, hlavy válců, kluzná ložiska, napínací kladky, pístní kroužky, předkomůrky, rozvodové, klínové řemeny, těsnění i hřídelová, váčkové hřídele, ventily, vodní čerpadla -zapalovací kabely -autokosmetika Blue Coral, Rain-X -ochrana motorů, převodovek Slick 50 -příslušenství: -clony, tašky, vaky, potahy na volanty.

HADLER s.r.o.

HADLER s.r.o. provides: -mechanical, car electrical, bodywork and painting work -installation of gear lock, reverse gear locking -filling with air conditioners -tire service, geometry - MOT preparation - diagnostics - towing service They also run a car dealership.

AUTOSTOP - Vladimír Tomašovič

Autopravna, autoservis, pneuservis, odtahová služba: - mechanické a klempířské práce, prodej náhradních dílů - lakování a opravy laku, míchání laků, sušící box - prodej a montáže pneumatik, opravy a vyvažování - odtah havarovaných a nepojízných vozidel - výkup a prodej havarovaných vozů, prodej použitých náhradních dílů.

Auto Doupovec, s.r.o.

Car service, car repair shop: -all service and repairs of Renault vehicles - sale of spare parts -sale of new cars -plumbing repairs with the use of straighteners stool of Black Hawk -painting works - liquidation of accidents - HEKA shock absorbers and braking effect test room - complete BOSCH diagnostics - KOCH axle geometry -measurement of emissions -preparation and execution of…

K.E.I. GROUP, s.r.o.

The company holds the ISO 9001 certificate. Authorized sales and service of ŠKODA vehicles. Authorized service of VOLKSWAGEN and SEAT vehicles. Car showroom, car service, car wash, sale of used vehicles of all brands, original spare parts and accessories: -new ŠKODA FABIA, FABIA COMBI vehicles, FABIA SEDAN, OCTAVIA CITIGO, OCTAVIA COMBI, SUPERB, ROOMSTER -used vehicles also for…

Würth, spol. s r.o. - pobočka Brno

Sales of WÜRTH brand supplies: -Auto Division: - car electrics - car glass bonding -body -body clips and fasteners -preparations for maintenance and cleaning -engine, exhaust -brakes, chassis -ORSY-assortments - connecting parts -tools - electric and pneumatic tools -workshop carts -Metal division: - electro -fasteners -drilling, threading, cutting…

BEZO, s.r.o.

Car parts, car service and tire service. Warranty and post-warranty service, preparation and execution of MOT. Spare parts for cars and utility vehicles of all brands, service and filling of air conditioners, replacement and diagnostics of car batteries, installation of towing equipment. Replacements of exhausts, brake segments, operating fluids, filters and oils, tire retreading, including…

Autoservis super expres Tišnov s.r.o.

Car service: -specialist for French-made PEUGEOT, CITROEN, RENAULT cars. Sales, repair, service, leasing, insurance of all brands. Sales, trade: -spare parts -discs, shock absorbers, rims. Car service: -service -all mechanical work - vehicle diagnostics -undercarriage inspection - measurement of convergence on the HEKA tester - air conditioning (cleaning, disinfection) - preparing…

Karel Mareš

Car repair shop: - BOSCH gasoline-diesel emissions measurement - complete diagnosis and repair of BOSCH gasoline-diesel injection - adjustment of engines - consumption -sale of spare parts: fuel and air filters, nozzles, timing belts, solenoids, glow and spark plugs, etc. Business activity. Construction of machines with mechanical drive. Locksmithery.

Autoservis F.A.A.N.

Car service, car repair shop: - complete service of all car brands - mechanical repairs of all kinds with supplies of original and non-original spare parts -all plumbing repairs - oil and filter changes, including regular vehicle inspections - replacement of shock absorbers, exhausts, brakes and repairs of other car components -protection of bottoms and cavities -preparation for MOT and…

Bronislav Chvátal

Ruční zakázková výroba laminátu, vakuová technologie RTM. Výrobky ze sklolaminátu: Laminace pro chemický a automobilový průmysl (podběhy do sanitek, sběrné žlaby a plata, záchytné vany). Laminát pro dětské skluzavky. Pouťové atrakce (laminovaná zvířata ....) Autodoplňky. Větrné elektrárny, zakrytování strojoven, aerodynamické krytí. Reklamní předměty, figuríny v životní velikosti. …