BlackMedia, s.r.o.
Car dealership - passenger, off-road, commercial vehicles - motorcycles
Car dealership - passenger, off-road, commercial vehicles - motorcycles
Retail, sales: -spare parts for cars and motorcycles - car accessories - car cosmetics - import of motorcycles to order
Services: - international and domestic freight transport - forwarding - storage Car repair shop, car service: - trucks - tire service
Opravy a motorová vozidla Opravy a motorová vozidla Reklamní činnost Průmyslové čištění - všeobecný úklid
Engine repairs and adjustments Car repair work Service - ŠKODA, VW, AUDI, SEAT passenger cars - service inspections - oil changes - geometry adjustment - exhaust replacements Security - vehicle towing
Opravy - nezávislé topení u nákladních vozů a tahačů Nabízí - přeprava paletového zboží
Services: -tire service. Retail, sales: -tires.
Buying and selling: - used and wrecked cars - used spare parts. Car rental. Van rental Road transport.
Velkoobchod a maloobchod - nemrznoucí směsi - brzdové kapaliny - mazací tuky - speciální prostředky na ochranu podvozků Velkoobchod a maloobchod - motorové a převodové oleje - průmyslové oleje a kapaliny - mazací tuky - značkové oleje a maziva FINA Zasklívání lodžií Výroba a montáž - plastová okna Výroba a montáž - zimní zahrady
Driving school - vehicle driving lessons (A, B, C, D, T and driver training). Crafts, services - carpentry work - garden houses, pergolas.
Import, sale, repair, service: - Volkswagen, Audi, Škoda and Seat cars Services: - car service - tire service
Car service, car repair shop - brake and exhaust systems - driving - clutches - distribution sets, diagnostics - ABS systems
Services: -car service -tire service Sales, retail, assembly: -batteries -spare parts
Sales, e-shop, e-shop: - motorcycle accessories - motorcycle clothing - everything on a motorcycle.
Services: - car service, car repair shop - tire service - body work
Service - DACIA, RENAULT cars - installation of brake pipe fittings - semi-axes Production - brake pipes
Sales, tire service: - tires - tires and retreaded - disks
Gas station: - sale of fuel Wholesale, sale, e-shop: - automotive oils - industrial oils -preparations for winter operation - ingredients - special oils - technical means - technical sprays and sealants -car parts